May 2020 Minutes


Meeting held via ZOOM on Wednesday 17th May 2020 at 7 p.m.

1. Apologies:   Cllrs Camm and Baker  

2. In virtual attendance:  Cllrs Jackson (Chairman), Harvey, North, Baldwin & Wright.  Mrs Libby King (Clerk)

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 4th March, which had already been circulated, were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Harvey.  

4. Signing off the 2019/20 accounts:  Copies of the 2019/20 audit had already been circulated to all councillors.  The accounts had been audited internally.  All councillors were happy for the accounts to be signed off, proposed Cllr Wright, seconded Cllr Harvey.

5. Chairman/District Council Report:  Cllr Jackson reported that it had been fairly quiet both in the parishes and at NKDC.  The NKDC offices will remain closed until 31st December with most staff working remotely.   Cllr Jackson reported that some defibrillators had had their code changed without the Parish Councils being aware of it, Mrs King had checked the defibrillator at the village hall and the code is unchanged.  It is not known when parking charges will resume in NKDC car parks in Sleaford.  Work has started on the A153 at the Rugby ground.  The tip is open with prior bookings only and some restrictions on what waste can be disposed of are still in place.  Only cars are allowed, no trailers or vans.  Cllr Harvey reported that Sycamore Farm is no longer on the market.  Cllr Jackson said that he had received one request for help with shopping which he did via Sainsbury’s Click and Collect.  

6. Clerk’s Report.  Mrs King advised that she had had contact with staff at NKDC via emails and emails were answered quickly.  

7. Planning Matters:  Change of Use of 1 London Road to a childrens’ home has been agreed.    The land on The Drove is becoming very overgrown and a trench was dug at the end of April, apparently so that the vendors could say that work has started and planning permission, which was due to expire at the end of April, continues.  Mrs King had advised Planning of the trench which is approximately 1 metre deep, Planning said it was a case for HSE.  However when the case was reported HSE will not follow it up as there is no ongoing work taking place and they do believe that there is a health and safety issue which requires HSE to take action.   Mrs King has contacted the estate agents on a number of occasions asking them to contact the vendors regarding the overgrown state of the field.  To date nothing has come back.  Cllr Wright asked whether the Aswarby Estate could help in this matter and Cllr Jackson said he would contact Mark Jones to discuss.

8. Correspondence:  No correspondence had been received which has not been forwarded or discussed previously.

9. Donations:  LIVES had asked for a donation due to the lack of funding due to the Corona Virus.  A donation of £100 was made in January 2020.  Mrs King advised that the budget has a £200 budget for donations.  All Councillors were in favour of a donation of £100 being made.  

10. Date of Next Meeting:  to be arranged depending on Government guidelines

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.35p.m.