May 2021 Annual Meeting and Parish Council meeting


ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held on Wednesday 19th May 2021 in the village hall


  1. Agree minutes of previous Annual meeting held on 8th May 2019.
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Public Forum

Followed by the Parish Council Meeting

  1. Appointment of chairman
  2. Acceptance of Standing Orders and Chairmanship
  3. Appointment of Vice Chairman
  4. Apologies
  5. In attendance
  6. Minutes of previous meeting (Zoom meeting held on 10th March, already circulated)
  7. Signing off the 2020/21 accounts
  8. Members Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests forms to be updated if necessary
  9. Chairman’s Report/District Council Report
  10. Clerk’s Report
  11. County Council Report
  12. Planning applications
  13. Bus Stop
  14. Community Speed Watch
  15. School warning lights
  16. Traffic speeding lights
  17. Digital Hub
  18. Hole in cemetery wall
  19. Update Aswarby Estate
  20. Thanks to village helpers
  21. Donations
  22. Correspondence
  23. Payments
  24. Date of next meeting