May 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Held on Wednesday 8th May 2023 in the Village Hall, Osbournby

1.    Agree minutes of previous Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th May 2023.

A.    Agreement proposed Cllr. Wright and Cllr Jackson.

2.    Matters arising:  No matters arising from the previous minute

3.    Chairman’s Report:   Unfortunately no report was available for this meeting.

4.    Public Forum:  There being no members of the public present who wished to speak the meeting closed at 7.10 p.m.

Prior to the meeting LIVES had attended and demonstrated how to carry out CPR and the use of a defibrillator.   This was attended by approximately 25 villagers and councillors.

Following that there was a presentation by Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club who are now running their club from the field which used to be known as the Football Field.  They hope to include villagers in the club and will take to integrate themselves into the village.  Open days will be held and anybody wishing to try their hand can take a lesson.  They hope to have their first meeting on 22nd May.  They were wished luck in their venture.