January 2025 DRAFT Minutes
Notes of meeting held on Wednesday 8th January 2025 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: There were 3 members of the public present. Mr North advised that there is still a sink hole on the road outside his property. Information had been received today that repairs in the High Street will be carried out over the next two days. Mr North advised that this work has been undertaken in the past but within days the road has sunk again. As it is hoped to have a “walk around” the village with representative of Highways shortly, if the work is not up to standard it can be discussed then.
Ms Cansdale asked whether the Parish Council could look into ideas in the village to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. The village holds a service in the village square every year and Ms Cansdale asked whether poppies could be displayed on lamp-posts or a silhouette of a soldier purchased. It was acknowledged that there is little money available at the moment for this and Cllr North suggested that perhaps Ms Cansdale might like to instigate something herself.
Declaration of Interest: As the Chance to Share agreement between LCC, the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee was to be discussed tonight a discussion took place regarding Declarations of Interest. (Please see note at end of minutes regarding this).
78. Apologies: Cllr Dixon.
79. In attendance: Cllr Jackson (Chair), Bide, Baldwin, Baker, Wright and North. Mrs King (Clerk)
80. Minutes of last meeting held on 6th November 2024, already circulated, were agreed. Proposed Cllr Bide, Seconded Cllr Baldwin.
81. Chairman/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson had already forwarded a copy of his District Council Report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Fir trees are available from North Kesteven but it was acknowledged that there is nowhere in the village to plant more trees. The Government’s White Paper on Devolution is now published. This could mean scrapping district and county councils and have a one tier county.
Chairman’s Report: Cllr Jackson that during the recent heavy rainfall West Street flooded, however no homes were flooded. Flood signs and road closed signs were put out. Mark Jones of the Aswarby Estate was made aware of this and will be looking into it. A walk around the village with Rowan Smith from LCC Highways will be taking place. Three dates have been given and Cllr Jackson will liaise with Mr Smith and advise the date. Cllr Wright said he had identified a few areas which need attention. Once a date has been confirmed a list of the areas to be looked at will be drawn up. It was acknowledged that the footpath outside the cottage has now been fully repaired and re-surfaced and is now safe.
82. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues reported that there had some serious flooding in the local area and the Environment Agency have said that there is no money available to repair the banks of the rivers that overflow. In particular Screddington and Helpringham have not been able to secure funding. Cllr Hagues did eventually get through to a flooded property in Silk Willoughby but most of the roads were flooded and closed making the journey almost impossible. Cllr Hagues also talked about devolution and a mayoral election for a single tier county. However as Lincolnshire is such a large county this may not be possible.
83. Clerk’s Report: New Register of Electors forms were handed out, Mrs King asked that old forms be shredded or burnt. The grass cutting re-tender will be done this month. Mrs King had been advised that the front garden of 5 London Road floods including the garage being ankle deep in water. The resident will be advised to put this onto Fix My Street for more help.
84. Budget: The budget for 2025/6 which had already been circulated was discussed and agreed by all councillors. A sum of £500 was put in for work to the churchyard trees, although the trees are not due for inspection until next year it was felt with the high winds we are experiencing and the age of the trees a budget needed to be put aside for this.
85. Setting of the Precept for 2025/6: As all our costs have risen over the past few years and the precept has only risen by £250 over the last 4 years, it was agreed that the precept would be £6,000 for the next financial year. This is a £500 increase on last year’s precept. All councillors agreed to this rise.
86. Chance to Share/village hall: This item will be discussed when the meeting closes.
87. Update from Aswarby Estate: No new update was available. However following the November meeting when information about the playground was requested, Mark Jones from the Aswarby estate had sent the following email:
Having looked at the S106 agreement, the developer will make a contribution on the occupation of the 7th property. Based on their layout plan, this would be when phase 1 is complete & occupied. Considering progress this could be in approx. 12 months’ time, depending on the market.
At this point the developer must pay the Council the Local Amenities contribution, originally £39,588. This figure with RPI is now approx. £56,848 at today’s date (Indexed from April 2017). From reading the contract it would then be for the PC to apply for this money once a location had been agreed. The PC would have this amount to spend on a site.
Similarly, the school contribution for an outside classroom is £73,198 as at today’s date. This will be paid to the council at the same time. I am due to update the school on this matter shortly.
Apart from the land adjacent to the new development, which the meeting felt had been set aside for the playground, no other land was available for a playground. It was agreed to re-look at the plans to identify whether this land was identified at that time.
88. Cemetery: Cllr North advised that the cemetery has many fallen twigs and branches and needs be cleared up before grass cutting can commence. It was agreed that a working party would clear this and a date set for Saturday 1st March.
89. Speed Signs for Bins: Mrs King had written to all properties on the London Road asking if they would be willing to put speed signs on their bins. Residents from 8 properties had responded. Mrs King has ordered 200 signs, which as they are now old stock will be free of charge, and they will be delivered to Mrs King during January. Those residents who have said that they are happy to participate will be given 6 signs each. Residents from the High Street and The Drove have also shown an interest. Mrs King to advise Councillors when the signs are received.
90. Community Speed Watch: Nothing to report as no speed watches take place during the winter months.
91. Re-wilding/Environmental: following on from Cllr Head’s visit in November a discussion took place regarding the Cowpond area. This area has been discussed many times and the ownership of the land is not known. It was agreed that Mrs King would once again get in touch with the Aswarby Estate and discuss with them claiming the land. Grants are available for this type of work but it would need to be confirmed who owns the land first of all.
93. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not already been discussed.
94. Donations: Requests for donations have been made from the CAB and LIVES. It was agreed that a donation of £100 to each charity would be given.
95. Payments and bank reconciliation:
PC account stands at £3,572.99 – however cheque payment tonight for Mrs King, so balance will stand at £2,972.99.
Cemetery Account: £34,321.38
Payments made since last meeting:
6.11.24: Osbournby Village Hall - £18.00
11.11.24: Russell Jackson for batteries for Community Speed Watch
21.11.24: Tidy Gardens & Grounds : £275.00
31.12.24: LALC - Subs : £166.88
5.1.25: St Peter & St Pauls Church (church path lighting): £14.79
PAYMENT TONIGHT: Cheque for Mrs E King for £650.08: This is salary/tax plus reimbursement.
96. Dates of forthcoming meetings: 5th March, 7th May (Annual Meeting), 2nd July and 10th September (please note that the September date is changed from 3rd September to 10th.
The open meeting then closed and members of the public left the meeting.
The Chance to Share between the school, Parish Council and Village Hall Committee needs to change as the school is moving to academy status. Cllr Jackson was concerned about conflict of interest as Cllr Bide is husband of the headmistress and both Cllr Wright and Mrs King are members of the Village Hall Committee. At the meeting tonight this issue was not resolved. However as both the Village Hall Committee and Parish Council are working together on this it may be that a joint meeting is required. In the meantime Cllr Jackson will get in touch with Democratic Services at North Kesteven for advice and once information is available regarding the Conflict of Interests an Extraordinary meeting will be called.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.