March 2019 Minutes

Notes/Minutes of Osbournby Parish Council Meeting

Held in Osbournby Village Hall

On Wednesday 20th March 2019

No Public Forum

No Declarations of Interest

93. Apologies: District Councillor Cook, Councillors Baldwin and Camm

94. In attendance: Cllrs Pearson (Chairman), Jackson, Wright, Baker and North, County Councillor Hagues. Libby King (Clerk)

95. Minutes of Previous held on 23rd January which had previously been circulated were approved. Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Jackson.

96. Chairman’s Report: Cllr Pearson advised that it had been a quiet time and he had little to report that was not covered in the agenda. He has asked Mrs King to chase Kingswood Builders for a start date to the work on the churchyard plinth and cemetery gates.

Action: Clerk

97. Clerk’s report: Mrs King advised the meeting that she had received notification from LCC that a sum of £563.85 would be paid towards the cost of grass cutting.

A new Code of Conduct has been issued by NKDC and the Parish Council can adopt this. Mrs King to circulate the new Code of Conduct prior to the May meeting and if agreed it can be adopted at that meeting. NKDC are arranging a Code of Conduct training in July. Mrs King will be on holiday and no other councillor was able to attend.

Action: Clerk

An email has been received from the Rural Services network. Mrs King to forward this to all councillors.

Action: Clerk

Renewal documents for insurance have been received. Mrs King needs to check that the insurance still meets our needs.

Action: Clerk

98. District Council Report: As Cllr Cook not available County Councillor Hagues gave an update. Work will be starting on improvements to the London Road/Grantham Road junction in April 2020 and once that work is completed work will start on improvements to Holdingham Roundabout.

Cllrs Hagues also advised the meeting that Cllr Cook will not be standing for reelection but that he will be standing as both a District and County Councillor.

99. Planning Matters: The Van Der Windt factory on The Drove have asked for an extension to the temporary approval which expires in April 2019. The Parish Council has no objections to this as long as they abide by the rules set down in the original approval. Mrs King to send comments to Planning.

Action: Clerk

100. Digital Hub Update: Cllr Jackson reported that the hub is quieter with approximately six people attending regularly. There are now 2 volunteers from the village also attending. Cllr Jackson will look into changing the Wifi provider to try and lower costs.

Action: Cllr Jackson

101. Village Hall/Chance to Share Lease: Mrs King advised the meeting that the Chance to Share lease between the school and village hall expires in 2020. The original lease was signed in 1992 for 28 years. It was agreed to continue with the lease on an annual rolling basis. Cllr Pearson queried what would happen should the school close, and Cllr Hagues said he would look into this.

102. Litter Picking in the Village: Cllr North had asked if a litter picking day could be arranged. This was agreed and Mrs King to ascertain whether tabbarbs, gloves etc are available. A date will be set and information sent out regarding this.

Action: Clerk

103. Best Kept Village competition: Information regarding this year’s competition has been received. There was a general discussion that certain areas of the village do need tidying up, but it was felt that the competition should be entered and volunteers requested to clear up some of the areas.

Action: Clerk

104. Newsletter: It was agreed that a newsletter should be sent out once a date for litter picking is arranged. The newsletter can also include other events taking place in the village.

Action: Clerk

105. Update on Road Safety Issues: Cllr Hagues advised that he had not had any information regarding the investigation into the fatal accident in December. Sleafordian have been in contact with the Traffic Commissioner and it is hoped that the additional stop in the village square will start on 23rd April. This has yet to be confirmed. Cllr Hagues will contact the Road Safety Officer and a meeting will be arranged with the Parish Council.

106. Nomination Papers for May election: The nomination papers had all been completed and Mrs King informed the meeting that she will be taking them to NKDC on 27th March for checking and submission.

Action: Clerk

107. Donations: No donations have been requested.

108. Payments:

The following payments were made at the meeting:

Cheque No. 789 to LALC for annual subs: £143.58
Cheque No. 790 to Osbournby Village Hall: £18.00

109. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been discussed.

110. Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 8th May. Annual meeting at 7 p.m. followed by Parish Council Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.40 p.m.