September 2019 Minutes

Notes/Minutes of Osbournby Parish Council Meeting

Held on Wednesday 4th September 2019 in the village hall

Public Forum: One member of the public was present. Mrs King (Clerk) advised the council that the land that is for sale on The Drove has become very overgrown and the brambles are growing into the gardens in Pinfold Close, which includes her garden, as well as onto the pavement on The Drove.

Mrs King has been in contact with the estate agents for the land asking them to ask the vendors to deal with the overgrowth. However nothing has been done and Mrs King asked if the Parish Council would be happy for her to take this further on behalf of the Parish Council. This was agreed and it was suggested by Cllr. Harvey that Mrs King try to contact the vendors directly.

No declarations of interest.

43. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs North and Baldwin

44. Present: Cllr Jackson (Chairman), Cllrs Camm, Baker, Wright and Harvey. County Councillor Hagues. Mrs King (Clerk)

45. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 3rd July which had already been circulated, were agreed. Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Harvey.

46. Update on Road Safety Group: Cllr Jackson reported that a meeting of the Road Safety Group had been held whilst he was on holiday. He has spoken to members of the group since his return and it would appear that they are still investigating various ideas. The Community Speed Watch is still being investigated and the meeting agreed that speeding is still an issue on the A15 and also down The Drove. The Coroner’s report into the accident delivered a verdict of accidental death.

47. Chairman’s Report: Cllr Jackson advised the meeting that when the local MP, Caroline Jackson, held a surgery in the village hall nobody attended.

Pennell’s the garden centre in Silk Willoughby had put in a planning application to double its size. However it has since been withdrawn.

Cllr Jackson will be working with NKDC in the coming months on plans on strategy and finance in his capacity of District Councillor.

48. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King had received an email regarding a wasps nest near the games bench in West Street. Cllr Wright agreed to deal with this.

There had been an interment in the cemetery and a request has now been made for an additional inscription on the headstone. This was agreed.

Action: Cllr Wright

A number of road closures will be happening on the A15 at Bracebridge Heath and Mrs King will put this information onto the website.

Mrs King reported that the following money had been received:

VAT refund of £934.44, interment fee of £80 and £563.55 received from LCC towards the cost of grass cutting.

Before tonight’s payments the bank account stands at £6,596.70.

Mrs King had also been in contact with the bank regarding the change of signatories. Cllr Harvey to be the new signatory. Paperwork to be completed and returned to bank.

Action: Cllr Harvey

49. District Council Report: District Councillor Jackson had included this report in his Chairman’s report.

50. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues advised that the closures on the A15 were mostly overnight closures and were for forming the new roundabout for the Eastern Bypass. The Usher Art Gallery has been handed over to a Charitable Trust as the costs to LCC were high for the number of people attending.

The Blue Badge scheme has now been extended to include those people who do not have a visible disability.

51. Planning Matters: The Planning Application for 1 Middle Yard had been seen and no objections were raised by the Parish Council.

52. Overgrown Trees on the London Road: These trees had been discussed at the last meeting and the residents in the layby have cut the branches back.

53. Digital Hub Update: Cllr Jackson reported that there is still a steady number of people attending the hub, both as attendees and volunteers. He is hoping to recruit more volunteers.

54. Proposed Installation of Street Light in West Street: In April this year NKDC were asked by a resident to reinstall the street light in West Street. However the residents in West Street were opposed to this idea. There has not been a street light there for 15-20 years and in that time Whichcote Fields has been built which has 5 street lights which cast significant light across West Street. The Parish Council contacted residents of West Street who would be affected by the new light, asking if they wished it to be reinstated. All who answered requested that no new light be installed. Following a discussion tonight it was agreed by the Parish Council to contact NKDC and advise that a new street light is not required.

Action: Clerk

55. Donations: No donations had been requested.

56. Payments: The following payments were made:

Cheque No. 808: Alan Drury: £480
Cheque no. 809: Osbournby VH £18
Cheque No. 810: Rick Webster £84
Cheque No. 811: LALC £24

57. Correspondence: All correspondence received has been discussed.

58. Dates of next Meetings:

Wednesday 6th November 2019 at 7 p.m.
Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 7 p.m.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30 p.m.