November 2019 Minutes
Notes/Minutes of Osbournby Parish Council Meeting
Held on Wednesday 6th November 2019
Public Forum: No members of the public were present
No Declarations of Interest
Following the sad death of Ray Pearson, Cllr Jackson spoke of Ray’s work as a councillor and chairman of the council, as well as his other works within the village. Cllr Jackson said that although Ray had only lived in the village for 6 years he had contributed to village life with his involvement in the Parish Council, the village hall and the church, as well as the Bowls Club. All agreed he will be missed. A minutes silence was held as a mark of respect.
59. No apologies
60. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Baker, Wright, Harvey, North, Baldwin and Camm. Mrs King (Clerk). County Councillor Andrew Hagues
61. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 4th September were agreed. Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Baker.
62. Update on Road Safety Group/Community Speed Watch: Cllr Jackson said that flyers had been sent out for volunteers to join the Community Speed Watch. To date 14 volunteers have come forward. The Community Speed Watch equipment is available at a cost of £424.91. This includes the following equipment:
Clicker: £6.00 (to assist in the recording of the number of vehicles passing at the time of the check.)
Jackets: 3 @ £8.25: £24.75
Advisory Signs: 2 @ £74.45: £148.90
Radar Gun: 1 @ £239.00
Delivery: £6.26
Teams work in groups of 3 and Marian Birks would be the co-ordinator. The checks can take place at random hours and can be in whatever location is chosen. The Police, or relevant authority, need to be informed when and where the checks are taking place and the warning signs must be visible. Cllr Jackson said that it is
particularly effective with lorries as warning letters go to the haulage company. Cllr Baldwin said that she felt that the Parish Council should support this initiative and felt it would be a good use of public funding. Cllr Harvey said that when he had looked into this approximately 2 years ago the cost of the gun had been approximately £80. Cllr Jackson asked Cllr Harvey to look into possibly sourcing a gun at a lower cost. A vote was taken on whether the Parish Council should fund the Community Speed Watch and it was agreed with 5 members in favour and 2 against.
Action: Cllr Harvey
Cllr Jackson also advised that the Road Safety Group is investigating the possibility of gates at the entrances to the village, but has been told that this is something that the Parish Council would not be able to fund.
63. Chairman’s Report/District Council report: Apart from the Road Safety Group and Community Speed Watch Cllr Jackson had nothing other to report in his chairman’s report.
District Council Report: Cllr Jackson had sent information to councillors regarding the District Council report. This had included :
Revision of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan: the review continues, the first window for public participation has passed, the next one is scheduled for Feb/March 2020.
Climate Change Emergency: NKDC has joined other councils in declaring a “Climate Emergency”, working with residents, businesses and other partners to tackle climate change.
Heart of Sleaford Project: the regeneration of Sleaford continues which would hopefully secure a new cinema development and food court/bar.
Boundary Commission Review: This is looking at the number of councillors in each area, against the number of residents. The next input from the Parishes will be in January 2020.
Photo ID for District Councillor elections: This was held in NKDC and was deemed to be a success.
Purple Bins Scheme: NKDC has a year-long trail of purple bins to collect dry paper and cardboard to help reduce the amount of contaminated recycled products. 7,500 homes in NKDC are taking part.
Elimination of Violence Against Women: On Monday 25th November there is a United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. To support this day people are asked to wear orange.
64. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King advised on the following:
Best Kept Village: In this year’s Best Kept Village Osbournby got through to the second round. Results and score sheets were put on the Parish Council website. It was felt that the two village tidy days had helped with our results this year.
Insurance: Our insurance company, Came & Company, the group structure has changed and has been acquired by the Arthur J Gallagher Group of Companies. Have relevant information is available should anybody wish to read it.
Defibrillator: 2 years since fitted and have now replaced the battery and pads. Cost is £53 and this will be required on a 2 yearly basis, unless the pads are used. The Parish Council agreed to fund this when the defibrillator was fitted.
Grass cutting: Although Rick Webster does a good job on the grass cutting are a little slow in getting invoices to us. Invoices have only been received for six cuts this year. Mrs King chasing up the old invoices.
Election: Have received an invoice for £72.90 for the uncontested May election. This includes charges for returning officer, clerical, printing and postage. December Election: 12th November. Village hall will be used as a polling station. There are other activities on in the hall that day but the VH committee will work around it.
Banking: Cllr Harvey new signatory. Signatories Cllrs North, Baker and Harvey. Any 2 to sign.
Budget Setting: The budget needs to be agreed and approved at the January meeting. Mrs King asked that if anybody had any thoughts on expenditure for next year they let her know. She will bring budget against spend to the next meeting.
Action: All
Land on The Drove: Still chasing the seller through the Estate Agents with a view to getting the overgrown brambles cut back.
County Council Report: Cllr Hagues reported that the Eastern bypass should be opening in Spring 2020 rather than the Autumn.
Lincoln Christmas Market is on 5 – 8th December and this year the castle wall will be illuminated.
LCC have investigated 75,000 homes in the county which claim single person occupancy council tax. £1.3million was found to have been claimed incorrectly.
66. Planning Matters: No planning applications have been received this period.
67. Digital Hub Update: Cllr Baldwin is now a volunteer at the digital hub. Cllr Jackson reported that there continues to be a steady flow of people attending, although often the same people each week. It was felt that it was worth continuing with.
68. Village Skip: It was agreed that the village skip will be available again this year. The date agreed was Saturday 23rd November, between the hours of 9 and 11. Cllrs Wright and Jackson, along with Mark Baldwin, agreed to man the skip. Mrs King to arrange for delivery and collection of the skip. She will also prepare flyers and put the information on the village Facebook page and the Parish Council website.
69. Donations: No donations have been requested.
70. Payments:
The following payments had been made outside the meeting on 30th September 2019.
HMRC: Cheque No. 812: £70.60
Mrs E King: Cheque No. 813: £312.01
CLASS. Cheque No. 814: £48.00
The following payments were made at the meeting:
Alan Drury. Cheque No. 815: £240.00
NKDC: Cheque No. 816: £72.90
LIVES: Cheque No. 817: £53.00
OVH: Cheque No. 818: £18.00
71. Correspondence: No correspondence had been received which had not been discussed.
72. Dates of next meeting: It was agreed that the meetings would be held on the first Wednesday of every second month unless this should fall on a Bank Holiday:
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Wednesday 4th March 2020
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Wednesday 4th November 2020
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.45