May 2021 Minutes
Held on Wednesday 19th May 2021 in the village hall
1. Appointment of Chairman: Cllr North proposed that Cllr Jackson remain as chairman, Cllr Harvey seconded. Cllr Jackson accepted.
2. Acceptance of Standing Orders and Chairmanship: Signed by Cllr Jackson and Clerk.
3. Appointment of Vice Chairman: Cllr Harvey was proposed by Cllr North and seconded by Cllr Jackson. Cllr Baker was thanked for his vice chairman over the last year and for always being there to help out.
4. Apologies: Cllr Baldwin
5. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson, Harvey, Wright, North, Camm and Baker. Mrs King Clerk.
6. Minutes of previous meeting: Zoom meeting held on 10th March, already circulated were agreed with the change of date in item 45 to read Meeting held on 13th January not 13th March.
7. Signing off the 2020/21 Accounts: Mrs King advised the meeting that the 2020/21 accounts have been duely audited and found to be in order. Mrs King informed the meeting that the income for the year had been £6,986 with spends of £6,661. The year ended with the Parish Council Account standing at £5,234.36 and the Cemetery Account at £38,420.57. It was proposed by Cllr Jackson and seconded by Cllr Wright that the accounts were signed off.
8. Members Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interest forms. Mrs King handed copies of the completed forms to councillors asking that they check that they are still correct. The only form that needed changing was Cllr Jackson and he will be completing a new form.
9. Chairman’s Report/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson reported that physical meetings are now taking place at district council level, except for full members council meetings. The Meres Centre has now carried out over 100,000 vaccinations. The Council is only going to build zero carbon emission houses in the future.
10. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King advised that Bourne Skip Hire (who the village skip is normally rented from for 4 hours on a Saturday) are no longer working weekends. It was agreed that if a skip company could be found who could supply a skip on a Saturday for just 4 hours the Parish Council would go ahead. It was acknowledged that the skip had to be available on a Saturday and that it was not appropriate for it to be left overnight. Mrs King advised that it is hoped to open the village hall shortly. Mrs King advised that some residents have complained to her about “dog poo” in the village. Posters do not seem to make much difference. The new residents letter has not yet been finalised as waiting to see when covid restrictions lift as to what events can take place. The Van der Windt factory in the Drove is closing and returning to Holland. The warehouse which has temporary planning permission will be removed.
11. County Council report: No report available.
12. Planning Applications: Mrs King reported that two planning applications had been received in the past 2 months, neither of which had any objections from the Parish Council. There was also a tree application for Osbournby House which again had no objections. Mrs King asked that when she sends the email regarding planning and tree applications to councillors that they respond even if they have no objections.
13. Bus Stop: Mrs King advised that Mrs Tracey Richardson had done some drawings for the bus stop which is in need of some repairs. The idea is to have a queue of people waiting for a bus on the back wall, however in order for Mrs Richardson to do this the wall will need to be re-rendered. Also the two side walls will need rubbing down and painting. Mrs King showed the meeting some drawings Mrs Richardson had done. There was a mixed reaction and it was felt that some input from residents might be the way forward.
14. Community Speed Watch: Cllr Jackson reported that he is awaiting delivery of two new vests and then the community speed watch can restart.
15. School Warning Lights: Mr Paul Norton had liaised with LCC over the placing of the two warning lights for the school. An email had been sent to Mr Norton thanking him for his work on this.
16. Traffic Speeding Lights: Currently no news on when the sign will be reinstated. Mrs King emails regularly for updates.
17. Digital Hub: Cllr Jackson reported that the Digital Hub started again today. It is now necessary to book for a place at the hub.
18. Hole in Cemetery Wall: Cllr North had pictures of the hole in the cemetery wall in Middle Yard. It was acknowledged that the wall has been patched up over the years. Cllrs Jackson and North will discuss with builders whether they would be prepared to take on the work and the costs involved.
19. Update Aswarby Estate: Mrs King had asked Mark Jones of Aswarby Estate for an update. These are as follows: They are still looking for a tenant for the Whichcote Arms and are looking for somebody who would be able to invest and diversify the business, possibly using the outbuildings. Sleaford United will be taking over the football field. The land on the Drove remains on the market and it was felt that until such time as the asking price is at a reasonable level it will remain on the market. The estate remains committed to the original planning terms whereby the developer will be required to make contributions to the school and for play equipment. If this should happen whilst Sleaford United are tenants of the football field the location of the play equipment has been discussed with them. Sycamore Cottage, it is believed the new owner is considering timescales to develop the property, hopefully work will start this year.
20. Thanks to Village Helpers: Cllr North asked that Mr Nick Mortimer be thanked for clearing up the debris along West Street, brambles, blackthorn etc., which he did earlier in the year. Mrs King to write a letter of thanks.
21. Donations: A donation of £10 had been requested from Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue. The charity assist the emergency services in carrying out searches for missing children and vulnerable missing persons. After discussion and a vote it was agreed a sum of £20 would be donated.
22. Correspondence: No further correspondence had been received which had not already been discussed.
23. Payments: The following payments were made tonight:
Cheque No. 870: Alan Drury £ 390.00
871: Debbie Scott £ 35.00
872: ICCM £ 95.00
873: Came & Co £ 404.28
874: Streetwise £ 168.00
875: Osbournby VH £ 18.00
Mrs King reported that she has requested a VAT refund of £336.42. Also a sum of £1,056.25 needs to be transferred from the Cemetery Account to Parish Council account for work carried out in the cemetery and paid for out of the Parish Council Account.
After payment of tonight’s cheques and transfers and not accounting for VAT refund. Parish Council Account stands at £ 10,362 and Cemetery Account £ 37,364.65. Last year received £ 10.25 interest on Parish Council Account.
24. Date of Next meeting: The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 7th July at 7pm in the village hall.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.