September 2021 Minutes
Held on Wednesday 1st September 2021 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: 5 members of the village were present for the public forum. Following a post on Facebook requesting that the Parish Council look into the possibility of allotments in the village, it was to discuss this possibility. Ms Thompson advised the meeting that Mrs Stephanie McClurg had been trying to obtain an allotment for some time, approaching Folkingham, Rippingale and Sleaford Allotments but being told that as she lived outside the area she was not entitled. The Facebook Group had then been set up to see how many people were interested, as if more than six people express an interest then the Parish Council has to look into the possibility of obtaining land for an allotment. Ms Thompson asked what was the possibility within the village to make this happen, as it was felt it could be beneficial to many people. Currently 19 residents have expressed an interest in having an allotment.
Cllr Jackson responded saying that at one time allotments were available in the village, however there is no obvious space within the village for allotments, and certainly no land is owned by the Parish Council. The land on The Drove, which is currently for sale, is privately owned. Cllr Jackson said that there had also been a misunderstanding about the Parish Council raising money for the church, this does not happen although fundraising for the church does go on within the village.
The land which Sleaford Football Team are now renting was also discussed as a possibility. Mark Jones of the Aswarby Estate joined in the discussion by saying that the land in the village, owned by the Aswarby Estate, is mostly tenanted land.
There are some pockets of land that may be suitable for allotments, however he would need to know from the Allotment Group what their needs would be in relation to water and any other services, and he could look into it. Mr Jones advised that if any allotment land was found, those renting the land would need to ensure it was kept tidy. The possibility of amalgamating with other villages was agreed to be looked into. Ms Thompson asked about possible timescales and Mr Jones said it would not be a quick process, however he would bring a response to the next meeting due to be held on 3rd November. It was also suggested at this meeting that the idea of a footpath through to the Tally Ho without going on the A15 was brought up
The Public forum was then closed.
No declarations of interest.
43. Apologies: Cllrs Baldwin and Baker.
44. In attendance: Cllr Jackson (Chairman), Cllrs Harvey, North, Wright and Camm. County Councillor Hagues and Mrs King (Clerk)
45. Minutes of last meeting held on 7th July which had already been circulated, were approved. Proposed Cllr North, Seconded Cllr Wright.
46. Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones from the Estate then advised the meeting that the estate is still looking for tenants for the Whichcote Arms, but they do have people interested. They do not want it to be just a pub, as this is no longer viable, but would like it to be a bed and breakfast, restaurant and to use the outbuildings as a shop, and for crafts etc. Given that the building and outbuildings would need a lot of work to bring them up to standard he was asked whether the Estate would help financially. He advised that it was flexible how the work could be funded, e.g. rent free periods. The estate would very much like this to be a community based venue and as and when new tenants are found and changes are needed the Parish Council will be invited to assist in any new plans.
Mr Jones advised that the estate is carrying out work on many of its buildings, including new roofs. Fern House has some very old dilapidated buildings which need work doing. He also asked about the Bowling Green and was advised that new members are actively being sought for the club.
Mr Jones said that the estate has lots of old houses, work is needed on them and this will be built into the estate plan. He asked if the Parish Council would work with the estate on any plan and Cllr Jackson said he would help both in his capacity as Chairman of the Parish Council and as a District Councillor.
Stipulations were included in the sale of the land on The Drove and when the land is sold and building work starts, the school will receive some money and a children’s playground will hopefully be built.
47. Allotments: Cllr Wright asked if the land down the Mickling Lane would be suitable for allotments and Mr Jones said that this piece of land would be looked at.
48. Chairman and District Council report: Cllr Jackson reported that the garden at 6 New Street has become overgrown again. It will need to be cut back and the tenant will be charged for this. He has also received a request to help a tenant in the High Street move to be closer to her relatives. The Community Speed Watch is still not happening, there is a distinct lack of interest so it will be included in the next Parish Council newsletter and will also include the number of people who have received letters as a result of speeding through the village. The Digital Hub continues to run well. There are two other hubs in Heckington and Sleaford who are struggling for volunteers. Cllr Jackson has had a look around the Children’s Home on the London Road. There is going to be an open day for everybody to look around, once a manager has been appointed the home will be able to open, however this is not likely to be before Christmas. The children in the home will be aged between 11 and 17 years. If anybody has any questions about the home please contact Cllr Jackson who will be able to contact the owners.
Regarding the District Council there is a shortage of drivers and refuse collectors and adverts are out for these. Covid figures are looking good in the district, there has not been a death since March. 4th September is an open day in Sleaford with many events taking place.
49. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King reported that following payment of cheques from tonight’s meeting and the payment from LCC for grass cutting the bank balances are as follows: Parish Council: £8,590.22 and Cemetery Account £37,365.60. At the next meeting the spend/against budget figures will be given. Grass cutting costs to date, excluding VAT, is £840 and an invoice has just been sent to LCC for £587.94, so the actual cost of grass cutting to the Parish Council is £252.06 to date.
The speed sign is now repaired and up and running again. Pete Langford will now be maintaining the Parish Council website. The Van Der Wendt temporary extension has now been removed. The site is almost empty and closed. Cllr Wright said that the site is owned by an American Company
50. County Council report: Cllr Hagues that the month of August is always a quiet month. Pelham bridge is now open. Holdingham Roundabout is due to start night work shortly, one road will be closed every night with diversions, completion of the new roundabout will be by Christmas. Two workshops will be held in Sleaford for residents to have their say about transport links. This will involve District Council, LCC and Highways. There will be drop in sessions and exhibitions about the project, these will be held outside South Gate public car park (near Shoezone) on Thursday 23 and Saturday 25 September from 10am to 3pm, and inside Riverside Church on Thursday 23 September from 5pm to 8pm.
Anyone interested in doing so is also invited and encouraged to complete an online questionnaire about the project, which will be available from Friday 17 September at
51. Cemetery Risk Assessment: This has not yet been completed and will be brought to next meeting ACTION: Cllrs North and Jackson
52. Church path/cemetery Wall update: Cllr North reported that she had seen Mr Nicholas Playne in the churchyard and had pointed out the repairs needed to the church path, and asked whether the estate had any slabs that could be given to the church to repair the path. Mark Jones agreed to look into this and see what could be found. To be brought to the next meeting.
53. Land on the Drove: Mrs King reported that the land is becoming very overgrown and there are brambles over the footpath. She has contacted the estate agents asking them to contact the vendors regarding this, but the estate agent just says that he has contacted them but got no response. It was discussed whether action could be taken and the vendors invoiced. Mrs King to look on the land registry and see if the owners address can be found and contact them directly.
ACTION: Mrs King
54. Village Skip: Agreed that the date would be 20th November. Mrs King to find a company who will deliver and collect the skip on that day.
55. Newsletter: This to be done for October and to include speed watch, village skip, no more milkman, events at village hall. Any other ideas please email Mrs King.
56. Bus Stop: Nothing else has been done regarding redecoration of bus stop. Mrs King and Cllr Jackson will discuss with Mrs Tracey Richardson any ideas and will bring to next meeting. ACTION: Cllr Jackson and Mrs King
57. Planning Matters: No outstanding matters. The tree felling at 37 High Street has taken place as the tree was rotten.
58. Correspondence: Mrs King had received a notice about a lottery in NKDC which she will forward on to councillors and also put on notice boards. ACTION: Mrs King
59. Donations: No donations had been requested.
60. Payments: The following payments were made tonight:
Cheque No. 885: Streetwise £756.00
Cheque No. 886: A.Drury £390.00
Cheque No. 887: Jane North £18.60
Cheque No. 888: LALC £126.00
TOTAL: £1290.60
61. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 3rd November at 7 p.m.