July 2021 Minutes


Held on Wednesday 7th July 2021 in the Village Hall

Public Forum:  Mr Derek North of High Street, Osbournby attended.  He explained that for many months there had been a hole in the road outside 21 and 23 High Street which had been recently filled by Highways.  Mr North complained about the shoddy workmanship and explained that there is now a dip in the road in which water will sit and will freeze in the winter, causing yet another hole.  He explained that the workmen had been there for approximately 6 hours but had spent most of it sitting in their van.  County Councillor Andrew Hagues agreed to look at the work and take it further. 

24.       Apologies:  Cllr Baldwin

25.       In attendance:  Cllrs Jackson, Harvey, Camm, North, Baker and Wright.  County Councillor Hagues.   Mrs E King (clerk)

26.       Minutes of previous meeting held on 19th May which had already been circulated were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Baker.

27.       Chairman’s Report:  Cllr Jackson reported that there had been no covid deaths in the North Kesteven area since March.  The number of new cases is rising particularly in 15-19 year olds.  The NK Community awards has now opened, closing date 1st September.  The local  Government boundary review is considering reviewing boundaries.  The reason behind this is that each MP has a similar number of electorate.  The proposal is that any area south of Silk Willoughby comes under South Kesteven.  Cllr Jackson will be taking these proposals to each Parish Council in the Osbournby Ward for their input.  If the proposals do go ahead they will come into effect at the next general election.  Cllr Jackson reported that there is a solar farm application in for Newton. 

            With regard to the village, the phone box has now been repainted by Mr Corbyn and the Parish Council thanked him for this.  It was agreed that a gift would be bought for him at a cost of £20.  Cllr North to order a hamper from a Little Bit of Lincolnshire.  Action: Cllr North.     Cllr Jackson also thanked Margaret Pearson and Libby King for keeping the books tidy.  Currently speedwatch is not taking place as there are no volunteers willing to take part.  Cllr Jackson will be trying to recruit new volunteers.       Action: Cllr Jackson.   The garden in New Street which had been cleared by Hill Holt Wood last year has now become overgrown again.  It has been reported and will be looked at this week.  The Hub is still going well, currently limited to 4 people at a time and there is an average of 3-4 people each week. 

28.       Clerk’s Report:   Mrs King reported that she had found a skip hire company who may be able to supply a skip for 3 hours on a Saturday.  It was agreed that a skip would be hired in November and Cllr Wright agreed to man it.  A date to be fixed at the next meeting.  The new residents letter has only been sent to one newcomer due to covid and many events not taking place.  Now restrictions are lifting it was agreed that this can now be sent to new residents.

            Current bank balances are:  Parish Council Account: £9,841.14 (after payment of tonight’s cheques).  Cemetery Account: £37,364.09.

29.       County Council Report:  Cllr Hagues reported that LCC had an underspend of £10million and it has been agreed that this money will be spent on pot hole/road repairs.  No more zoom meetings are taking place, they are all face to face.  A new start up loan for creative entrepreneurs is available.  Information available at www.businesslincolnshire.com/startuploans.  The new footpath/cycle way in Silk Willoughby should be completed by August.  Works at Holdingham Roundabout are still ongoing and due to be finished by December.    Cllr North said that work at the Mickling culvert is due to take place and should be completed by August, however no work has started yet.  Cllrs Hagues felt that priority would be given to pot holes but asked Cllr North to bring to next meeting if work still not undertaken.

30.       Parish Council Website Now been agreed with Pete Langford that he can do various options as outlined in the LALC news sent out on 30th June.   Information will be forwarded to Pete and he will upload and format onto the website.  This will involve a SLA with monthly subscription.  1st September start and after that an annual contract running from April to March.  All councillors agreed to this taking place.

31.       Update on Speed sign:  Following an email chasing this, Mrs King had received a reply from LCC.  It would appear that there had been some confusion and the company Westcotec had been waiting for approval to replace the repaired sign.  This has now been given and it is anticipated that the sign will be replaced by the end of the month.  The cost of the repair was £570 as the internal power supply and detector radar were damaged.  This cost is covered by LCC.

32.       Update from Aswarby Estate:  Mark Jones has advised that they will be tidying up the Whichcote Pub and looking to advertise the property to let.  They will be erecting a signboard at the property.  The Parish Council did not want the sign erected on the green but felt that if they wish to put a to let sign on the pub sign on the green this would be allowed.  Mrs King had asked Mr Jones if he had any contact for the owners of the land on The Drove which is becoming more and more overgrown.  Mr Jones had advised that he had not received any response from the owners to his communication and advised to get in touch with the agent.  Action:  Clerk.    It is hoped that the football field will be ready for matches to start in September.

33.       Grass Cutting:  Following the circulation of the email from Streetwise on 25th June advising of a price increase from £70 to £140, which councillors agreed to, a discussion followed as to whether it would be worth getting quotes in from other contractors.  However after discussion it was felt that Streetwise do a very good job and Councillors wished to continue to use them.

34.       Newsletter:  Mrs King advised that it had been some time since a newsletter had been sent.  Due to the pandemic last year nothing had been done.  It was ageed to bring this to the next meeting when hopefully restrictions will all have been lifted.

35.       Broken Headstone in Cemetery:  Regulations for the cemetery state that it is the responsibility of the family to keep the grave and headstone in good order.  Mrs King to try to locate family members for the broken headstone.  It was also agreed that a risk assessment of the cemetery needs to take place to ascertain if any of the headstones are in danger of falling.  It was agreed that Cllrs North and Jackson would undertake this and if work was required this too would be undertaken.  ACTION:  Cllr North & Jackson.        The fallen headstone in the churchyard was also discussed and it was agreed that if repairs are needed to any headstones in the cemetery when they are being quoted for a price would be obtained for replacing the one in the churchyard. 

36.       Church path and cemetery wall:   Cllr North had obtained a quote from Simon Ballard to repair the church path at a cost of £500.  This would involve laying new slabs so if the trees caused the path to move again, the slabs could be taken up, repair work done and slabs replaced.  Cllr North also agreed to ask Martin Ebb for a quote.  ACTION:  Cllr North.   With regard to the cemetery wall a quote from Les Chase will be obtained.  ACTION: Cllr Jackson. 

37.       Bowling Green:  Cllr Jackson had received a complaint from a resident living by the bowling green about the length of the grass.  Cllr Jackson advised that due to illness the grass had not been cut for some time, however this has now been done. There was a discussion about whether the land had been given to the Bowls Club by the Estate.  Cllr Harvey will ask Jim Holland, President of the Bowls Club, if he has any information on this.  Cllr Jackson said that he had spoken to members of the bowls club and they hope to restart soon.  ACTION:  Cllr Harvey.

38.       Planning Matters:  There were no objections to the work proposed at 32 High Street to replace the front door.  Cllr Jackson advised that a planning application will be received for his property for the installation of an extractor fan. 

39.       Correspondence:  Information from LIVES had been received.

40.       Donations:  No donations had been requested.

41.       Payments:  Payment made outside the meeting:

Mr C Corbyn – Cheque No. 877 for £40.39 for materials for repainting phone box.

Payments tonight

Mr R Jackson – Cheque No. 878 - £42.34    for visibility jackets and badge (Community speed watch)

A.Drury – Cheque No. 879 - £390   for cutting churchyard and cemetery grass

Osbournby VH – cheque No. 880 £18.00 for hire of hall for PC meeting

Streetwise – cheque No. 881 for £84.00 for grass cutting

Mrs E King – cheque No. 882 for £464.09 for salary and reimbursements

HMRC – cheque No. 883 for £98.40 for tax for Mrs E King

YMCA – cheque No. 884 for £126.00 for Mrs King

42.       Date of next meeting: Wednesday 1st September 2021.

for EPS submissions

There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.54 p.m.