January 2019 Minutes
Notes/Minutes of Osbournby Parish Council Meeting
Held in Osbournby Village Hall
On Wednesday 23rd January 2019
No Public Forum
No Declarations of Interest
75. Apologies: District Councillor Cook
76. In attendance: Cllrs Pearson (Chairman), Jackson, Wright, Baker, North, Baldwin and Camm. County Councillor Hagues. Libby King (Clerk)
77. Minutes of Previous held on 21st November 2018 which had previously been circulated were approved. Proposed Cllr Baldwin, Seconded Cllr Camm.
78. Chairman’s Report: Cllr Pearson advised the meeting that there is an historical fund available in the village. This fund is used for a small gift if somebody in the village has a bereavement or an accident. The committee for the fund meets once a year and Mr Derek North has asked if a member of the Parish Council would be prepared to be on the Committee. Cllr Jackson said that he would be prepared to carry out this duty.
Action: Cllr Jackson
79. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King had collected copies of the Register of Electors for all councillors. She asked that old copies were destroyed. The builder had advised that the stone for the church plinth had been delivered and, weather permitting, work would start in March. Copies of the LALC quarterly newsletter is always circulated by email but if any councillors wished to see the hard copy let Mrs King know. There will be a temporary road closure of The Drove between New Street and a point 400 metres east from 4th to 14th February. Signage detailing dates and times of the closure will be displayed nearer the time. Alan Drury has tendered for grass cutting in the churchyard and cemetery at the same price as last year. This was accepted by the meeting. Mrs King to contact Rick Webster regarding grass cutting in the village.
Action: Clerk
80. District Council Report: As Cllr Cook not available County Councillor Hagues gave an update. The Swarby sign which had been knocked over has now been collected by LCC and is being stored in their depot. Cllr Hagues has been advised that the cost of installing average speed cameras in Osbournby would be £100,000. He confirmed the results of the accident investigation were still not known.
81. Feedback from Open Meeting held on 15th January: the Councillors took some time discussing the open and it was generally felt that most people attending the meeting felt that a pedestrian crossing was needed in the village. It was noted that since the meeting some children and parents were wearing coloured tabards when crossing the road. Cllr Baldwin had done some research into how the need for a pedestrian crossing is quantified. Volume of traffic/pedestrians are lookedinto as well as many other factors. One suggestion was to get together a Campaign Group to work on this.
In February 2014 there had been a similar accident in Thurlby involving school children and the school bus. Although no fatalities a pressure group had been set up with help from the local MP. Over 6000 signatures were collected and it took a year to get a crossing.
There was a discussion regarding a feasibility study to look into the possibility of installing a crossing and Cllr Hagues said he would make enquiries as to the best person to talk to and start the ball rolling.
Following the Open Meeting there had been many comments made on the Osbournby Parish Council facebook page, many of which had been unhelpful.
The name of the facebook page has now been renamed Osbournby Village as some of the views expressed were not the views of the Parish Council. Cllr Jackson has asked if anybody would be willing to take over the administration of the page. To date nobody has volunteered.
Information had been received regarding the Community Speed Watch Scheme and again this information will be shared with the community to see if anybody wished to have training in the scheme and to take it further.
Cllr Hagues said that he hoped to have more news regarding the additional drop off in the village square shortly.
Mrs King also advised that a statement had been sent to The Voice regarding the Open Meeting and would be included in the next edition.
82. Planning Matters: The Planning Application for a bungalow on land at Sycamore Farm has been approved. Cllr Baker has been advised that once the Farmhouse has been refurbished off street parking for that property will be available.
83. Budget for 2019/20: Mrs King advised that the 2018/19 budget against spend was on target not to be overspent. The final payment for the speed cameras was made this year. Copies of the proposed budget were handed out. It was agreed that the village skip would be run again this year. An amount of £500 had also been included for the path repairs leading up to the village hall. The budget was agreed - proposed Cllr Pearson, seconded Cllr Camm. It was also agreed that a precept of £5,000 would be requested.
Action: Clerk
84. Resignation of Rev Munday: The meeting was informed that the Rev Nick Munday would be leaving the Parish in April. The reason for his resignation is that his hours have been cut and he feels that he would not have enough hours to run the South Lafford Parish and its 11 churches. Cllr Pearson said that he felt that a letter should be sent to the Bishops of Lincoln, Grimsby and Grantham, the people who make the decisions. A letter had been drafted and this was read to the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that the letter should be sent.
Action: Clerk
85. Digital Hub: Cllr Jackson said that the hub was still busy and during the month of October 21 people visited the hub, with 20 visiting in November and again in December. All feedback has been 100% positive from visitors. There are also hubs in Heckington and Ruskington. Cllr Jackson happy to continue running the hub and Cllr Pearson advised him that the village hall committee had agreed to waive the hiring fees.
86. Update from Aswarby Estate: No information from the estate this meeting.
87. Removal of Christmas wreaths from the Cemetery: Cllr North asked if she could remove the dead wreaths from the cemetery. This was agreed.
88. Newsletter for distribution in the Spring: Mrs King asked for any ideas for items to be included in the spring newsletter. Please send any ideas to Mrs King. Also to be an agenda item for next meeting.
89. Donations: No donations had been requested.
90. Payments: The following payments were made:
Payments made outside the meeting:
7.12.18: cheque No. 782 P&P French £1,140.00
12.12.18: Cheque No. 783: Mrs E King £333.90
12.12.18: Cheque No. 784: HMRC £83.40
Payments to be made tonight:
Cheque No. 785: Osbournby Village Hall : £130.50
Rental for November PC meeting £18.00
Rental for digital hub £54.00
Rental for open meeting £18.00
Rental for Digital Hub £40.50
Cheque No. 786: CLASS £48.00
Cheque No. 787: Church lighting £19.04
At the Parish Council meeting held on 15th March 2018 a donation of £1,000 to the village hall towards the refurbishment had been agreed. A cheque was drawn (cheque No. 788) tonight for £926.14 for new tables for the committee room.
91. Correspondence: All correspondence which had been received had been discussed.
92. Date of next meeting: 20th March 2019 at 7 p.m.