May 2023 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Held on Wednesday 17th May 2023 in the Village Hall

Public Forum:  No members of the public were in attendance

No declarations of interest

1.   Appointment of Chairperson:  Cllr Jackson was proposed to remain as Chairperson by Cllr Baldwin and seconded by Cllr Wright.  It was a unanimous decision.

2.   Acceptance of Standing Orders and Chairpersonship:  The relevant papers were signed.

3.   Appointment of Vice Chairperson:  Cllr Baker said he wished to stand down as Vice Chairperson, Cllr Bide was nominated by Cllr North and seconded by Cllr Baldwin.

4.   Apologies:  District Councillor Andrew Hagues.

5.   In attendance:  Cllrs Jackson, Bide, North, Baldwin, Baker and Wright.  Clerk Mrs King.

6.   Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st March, which had already been circulated were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Wright, seconded Cllr Bide.

7.   Co-option of new councillor:  Mr Malcolm (Malc) Dixon gave some information about himself.  He said he was 58 years old and is slowly recovering from an accident.  He likes helping people out when he can, and feels he is a giving person.  His interests are motor bikes and football.  His co-option was proposed by Cllr Jackson and seconded by Cllr Baldwin.  Cllr Dixon was welcomed to the Parish Council.

8.   Signing off the 2022/23 accounts.  Mrs King informed the meeting that the 2022/23 accounts have been duly audited and found to be in order.  Mrs King informed the meeting that the income for the year had been £6,649 with a total spend of £9,659.  It was proposed by Cllr Jackson and Cllr North that the accounts be signed off.  Mrs King gave an up to date bank reconciliation and reported the following:   As at today the Parish Council Account stands at £7,503.95.  £120 has been received for an interment and additional wording on a headstone.  The precept of £5,300 was paid along with the VAT refund of £267.72.  The Cemetery Account stands at £35,896.30.  £740 was transferred from the cemetery account to the Parish Council account for the maintenance of the cemetery.

9.   Members Disclosable Pecuniary Forms and election expense forms:   These were completed and passed to Mrs King to send to NKDC.  

10.   Chairmans report/District Council Report:   Whilst out canvassing prior to the local district elections Cllr Jackson had been asked about the cowpond area, this is a later agenda item.  He had also possibly recruited a Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator and has somebody interested in becoming a Parish Councillor as and when a vacancy occurs.

With regards to the District Council the Conservatives still have the majority with 25 councillors, there are 11 Lincolnshire Independents of which Cllr Jackson is one, 4 unassigned and 2 labour councillors.

Fosse Green Energy

The ‘soft launch’ of another large-scale solar energy park in the district that went live on 11 May.  The schematic  shows the broad area of the solar park (it is understood that this area is proposed to accommodate solar panels, converters, battery storage and landscape/biodiversity mitigation) along with a number of cable route options to a proposed new National Grid substation in the vicinity of the A15 close to Ashby de la Launde.

The Wards affected directly are:

Bassingham Rural
Witham St Hughs and Swinderby
Navenby and Brant Broughton
Waddington Rural
Ashby de la Launde, Digby and Scopwick
Skellingthorpe and Doddington (lies adjacent to the site only around Tunman Wood)

In NK exclusively there are 4 solar NSIPs, in order of registration with the Planning Inspectorate these are Heckington Fen, Springwell Solar, Beacon Fen and Fosse Green Energy plus the Lincolnshire Reservoir NSIP.

COVID-19 Spring Vaccination Programme

With the spring Covid-19 vaccination programme underway, the Lincolnshire NHS system is raising awareness of eligibility for vaccines available up to June 30.

The spring vaccine will be offered to

Adults aged 75 years and over
Residents in care homes for older adults
Individuals aged 5 years and over who are immunosuppressed.

11.   County Council report:  As District Councillor Hagues was unable to attend the meeting he had sent the following report: He firstly congratulated Cllr Jackson for his election result and by such a large majority.  He also reported that as at 1.4.23 LCC has increasesd its weekly allowance paid to foster carers by 12.5%.  95% of children have been offered a place at their preferred school, 3.6% offered their second choice of school and the remainder have been offered a place at their nearest school.              With regards to Highways, Central Government have given LCC £6m for fixing potholes across the county.  Whilst welcome, it falls a long way short of the £12m shortfall every year for the past 4 years.  

12.   Clerk’s Report:  Mrs King said she had nothing to report as everything was covered in agenda items.

13.   Springwell’s Ambassadors:  Mrs King had received a phone call from the Chairman of the Springwells Medical Equipment fund.  He had forwarded information regarding the fund and the fact that they wish to recruit an Ambassador for the charity.  Mrs King had forwarded this information to Councillors prior to the meeting and it was agreed that this request would be publicised on the village Facebook Page, the Parish Council website and in the notice board.  

14.   Cowpond Area:  Cllr Jackson had been asked about the cowpond area.  The issue of who owns the land has been going on for years and Mrs King has correspondence going back to 1964 about ownership and whose responsibility the upkeep is.   It would appear that we are no further forward and Mr Mark Jones of the Aswarby Estate is continuing to look into this.  The meeting agreed to wait until information is available from Mr Jones.

15.   Grass Cutting:  Cllr Wright said that he was not happy with the grass cutting in the village.  He would like the grass cut shorter and said that grass on the pavement is not being cleared.  He also said that the small piece of grass at the top of New Street is not being cut and Cllr Baker said he didn’t think North Street was being cut.  It was acknowledged that many residents cut the grass outside their properties and this particularly true in North Street.  It was agreed that Mrs King would contact Tidy Gardens and Grounds and raise these issues.

16.   Graffiti in Village:  Cllr Wright said that he was concerned about the graffiti appearing in the village, namely in the bus shelter and on the wall outside the school. Cllr Bides informed Cllr Wright that this was in memory of a young pupil at the school who had died.  His twin brother was still at school and seeing the Cheshire Cat in the bus shelter and on the wall helped him in his grief.  Cllr Wright said that he was not aware of this and was therefore happy with the drawings.  It was acknowledged that the drawings are in chalk paint and will eventually wear off.

17.   Bus Stop:  Mrs King informed the meeting that Mr Dave Smith, a local decorator had offered to repaint the bus stop, he has paint and there would be no charge to the Parish Council.  Concerns were raised to the extent of the damage, ie. Cracked concrete and asbestos.  Mrs King to contact Mr Smith and ask him what he is prepared to do and what he would like the Parish Council to do.

18.   Community Speed Watch:  No further information at this time.

19.   Digital Hub:  This has now been going for 6 years.  Attendance is up and down but is still used by residents.  It was agreed to re-publicise this event. 

20.   Land on The Drove:  Work commenced again on Monday this week.  The land is no longer for sale and the owners have reverted to the original plans.

21.   Donations:  No donations have been requested.

22.   Correspondence:  No correspondence received which has not been dealt with.

23.   Payments made by BACS since the last meeting:

Tidy Gardens      £365
Tidy Gardens      £425
Debbie Scott      £35  (Audit)
J.Riggall(Jubilee)   £134.25
ICCM         £95 (Annual Membership)
Gallagher       £490.45  (Insurance)

The invoices were signed by two signatories to the bank account.

24.   Dates of next meetings:  5th July, 6th September and 1st November.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.