November 2023 Minutes


Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 1st November 2023 in the Village Hall

Public Forum:  One member of the public was present.  Mr Derek North advised the meeting that the annual Remembrance Service would again be held in the village Square on Sunday 12th November where the Last Post would be played.  He also advised that many street lights are not working and Cllr Jackson agreed to check which lights are not working and put onto Fix My Street.

No declarations of interest

59.   Apologies:  No apologies

60.   In attendance:  Cllr Jackson (Chair), Cllrs Bide, Dixon, North, Baldwin, Wright and Baker.  County Cllr. Hagues and Mrs King (Clerk)

61.    Minutes of previous meeting held on 6th September  were agreed.  Proposed Cllr North, Seconded Cllr Dixon.  Mrs King asked whether the grit in the grit bins had been broken up in readiness for the winter.  Cllr Bide replied that he had done this and also repaired, as much as possible, the bin on the village green.  He was thanked for this.

62.   Chairman/District Council report:  Cllr Jackson gave his report, which is attached to these notes.  In addition he reported that two planning applications have been submitted for the Three Kings Public House in Threekingham.  One is for Change of Use to a residential dwelling and the second is for a house to be built on the car park.   There has been graffiti on the pub wall which has now been covered over.  Cllr Jackson does not feel that either application will be approved.

63.   County Council Report:  District Councillor Hagues reported that LCC has an underspend of £10 million which will be spent on repairing the numerous pot holes in the county.  He also reported that in December there will be a vote as to whether LCC goes down the Devolution Path.  This would mean getting rid of the tier system and having a Mayor in charge of Lincolnshire.  District Councils will remain but there would be an executive cabinet of leaders.   The request for the speed limit of 30mph to be extended has not been agreed as it does not meet the criteria.  Cllr Hagues will find out what the criteria is and let Mrs King know.  

64.   Clerk’s Report:  Mrs King reported that the tree that had fallen into the dyke behind 21 Pinfold Close has now been removed by the estate.  According to Right Move the commercial unit on The Drove is under offer, no other information available.   Aswarby Estate will have a property becoming available in the next couple of weeks in Osbournby.  Mrs King asked if she could transfer some money from the cemetery account to an account with higher interest as per information received from the bank.  This was agreed.  Lincolnshire Police had asked if we could complete information on what we feel the priorities should be in our area.  This was discussed and it was felt that a larger police presence in the village, (PCSO’s used to attend the coffee mornings etc) and speeding through the village was also high on the list.  

65.   Budget against Spend:  Mrs King handed out information regarding the current bank balances.  Due to increased costs this year, e.g. grass cutting, and the fact that the tree inspection has been undertaken and a large number of trees in both the cemetery and churchyard need attention, it was agreed that there would not be a village skip this year and no final decision on the donations requested from CAB and LIVES would be taken until after the tree work was undertaken.  It was also agreed that the work to the path leading up to the church behind the bus shelter would be put on hold.  Due to the weather conditions a decision on whether a final cut to the grass verges was necessary would be made later.  These decisions were unanimously agreed.

66.   Path leading to churchyard steps:  Mrs King had met with the builder who did the work to the church path previously.  His price and quote were: “£850 to include the defective area in front of the step, take up tarmac and replace with sandstone paving.  To small area near top step cut out tarmac and replace with concrete”.  A discussion followed regarding the trees which were causing the path to break up, it is not clear whether the trees are the responsibility of the private school or on the church path.  However due to the current financial restrictions it was agreed that this work would be put on hold.  

67.   Trees in cemetery and footpath:  The three yearly inspection of the trees in the cemetery and churchyard has now been undertaken.  A total of 35 trees have been identified as needing work, predominantly crown lifting.  It was agreed that Mrs King would get quotes from two arborists for the work and this work needs to be carried out as soon as possible.  Mrs King also reported that she had received a letter from residents of Middle Yard who were concerned about the overhanging branches on the roadway leading up to their homes.  The work identified by the tree inspection will cover these issues.  

68.   Update from Aswarby Estate:  Mark Jones had sent the following information. 

a. The Drove:  It is understood that Paul Goy has purchased the land, he is known to the estate and they hope to meet with him soon.  Mark believes he will be looking to start on site quickly.

b. Solar – Marham Lane – waiting for a date for an exhibition.  More information when available. 

c. Planning:  A pre-application for the barns/buildings at Fern House will be submitted shortly.

d. Tally Ho:  Currently shut but someone on site temporarily as security.

69.   Land on The Drove and overhanging branches along footpath:  Cllr Dixon has been asked by residents about the branches/brambles along the footpath alongside the land on The Drove.  Mrs King has asked Mark Jones if he was able to speak to the new purchaser about the possibility of clearing this, but to date no reply has been received.  

70.   Traffic Calming in the Village Square:  Concerns have been raised about traffic speeding through the square and also cars leaving North Street and turning right into West Street without stopping to check for oncoming traffic.  Cllr Hagues advised that he would talk to Highways and ask them to look at what could be done to make the Square safer.  

71.   Village Hall signs on The Green:  These signs have recently been installed, however the occupants of the Old School House have advised Cllr Jackson that they have had enquiries at their property asking if it was the village hall.   Following a heated discussion between Cllr Wright (who installed the signs) and Cllr Jackson who was merely asking the question as requested by the residents, it was felt that there was not a lot that could be done and moving the sign was not an option.  A letter to be sent to the occupants advising them of this and apologising if they have been disturbed.

72.   Community Speed Watch:  Cllr Jackson reported that 5 new people have now been trained and a session was held this week and only two people were caught speeding.  It is hoped that more sessions will follow.  To do the speed watch positions have to be registered and positions on The Drove and The High Street have been agreed.  It is hoped to carry out speed watches in these places as well as the London Road.  

73.   Planning Applications:     Mrs King advised that she personally had received a letter from Planning regarding the development on The Drove as she lives alongside the land.  It would appear that the original plans are now in with planning, this is for 5 affordable semi-detached and terraced houses, 8 detached houses and garages and 3 detached bungalows and garages.  Cllr Dixon advised that he is very concerned about the drainage for these new properties as when there has been the heavy rain off the last few weeks the drains do not cope at the Cottages on The Drove and sewage and drainage flood their gardens.  The residents have reported it to Anglian Water and NKDC.  Cllr Jackson advised he would visit Cllr Dixon on Friday to look at the issues and take it further.

A planning application had also been received for the installation of drainage and soakaways and replacement of rainwater goods at the Church.  There were no objections to this and Cllr North reported that as the installation of new drains could affect tree roots some measuring was being undertaken in the church yard.  

74.   Correspondence:  No correspondence had been received which has not been discussed.

75.   Donations:  Requests for donations had been received from CAB and LIVES.  As previously discussed it will be decided at a later date whether donations will be made this year.

76.   Payments since last meeting:  The following payments have been made by BACS;

Tidy Gardens and Grounds: 5.10.23:  Grass cutting in village:   £550.00
P&P French Tree Services:   24.10.23:   Tree services:      £540.00
North Kesteven District Council: 30.10.23: Tree inspection      £99.00

77.   Dates of next meetings: 10th January 2024 and 6th March 2024

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8 p.m.