July 2023 DRAFT Minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 5th July 2023 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: 2 members of the public were present. Questions raised were when the footpath leading from the A15 across the field was going to be cut. The field was cut this week making it easier to walk along the footpath. Also discussion regarding the oil spillage in the dyke at the back of Pinfold Close – this will be addressed during the meeting and finally the works being carried out at the Water treatment site. Cllr Jackson to look into this.
No declarations of interest.
26. Apologies: County Councillor Andrew Hagues
27. In attendance: Cllr Jackson (Chair), Cllrs Baldwin, Bide, Wright, Baker, North and Dixon. Mrs King (Clerk)
28. Minutes of previous meeting held on 17th May 2023 were approved, Proposed Cllr Baldwin, Seconded Cllr Wright.
29. Chairman/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson reported the following from the District Council: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan: Members can access the new Central Lincolnshire Local Plan which is being used to make planning decisions across the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee partnership area of City of Lincoln, North Kesteven, West Lindsey District and Lincolnshire County Councils.
It represents the joint visions for how Central Lincolnshire should evolve between now and 2024. It is pioneering in placing climate change at its core and will help ensure Central Lincolnshire is a net zero carbon area. This trailblazing approach will also lead the way for other areas to follow in tackling climate change.
Customer Service Centre at Sleaford
Open for face-to-face interaction on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (except bank holidays) – 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm. If customers need to speak to a specific officer this should ideally be by an arranged, booked appointment.
Closed to drop-ins and appointments on Thursday and Friday, but access remains (apart from 1pm to 2pm) for Job Centre Plus services that are also on site.
Baton of Hope initiative BatonofHopeUK is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the UK has ever seen, opening necessary conversations, and prompting appropriate actions. NKDC are supporting employee Jenni Swift who tragically lost her daughter Evelyn last year. There are also various online free and discounted mental health events and training for anyone to access.
All items for Chairman’s report are covered in the agenda.
29. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King advised that the bank reconciliation is as follows:
Parish Council Account: £5.328.96
Cemetery Account: £35,919.17. Interest in the first 3 months has totalled £66.74.
Mrs King then reported the following: Speed sign not working, has been reported, was waiting for routine maintenance but this not happening yet so should be repaired within the next four weeks, hope to have a date shortly.
Was asked by a lady in Pinfold Close who cuts the grass and hedges as not happy with them. Advised it’s NKDC, she was going to write to them. Cllr Jackson to discuss with a NKDC.
Following the last meeting and the offer by Mr Dave Smith to repaint the bus shelter, Mrs King wrote to him asking what help, if any, he required from the Parish Council, particularly in relation to the cracks in the concrete and the asbestos. No reply has been received.
Mrs King also thanked Mr Derek North for the repair to the notice board.
30. County Council Report: In Cllr Hagues absence he had sent the following report:
Highways work will commence on Mareham Lane on 27th July from 8pm-6am.
Rauceby level crossing work commences on A153 on 24th July, 7pm-6am and will take 6 weeks.
Road resurfacing at Spanby in August from 7.30 a.m-5 pm.
31. Cowpond Area: Mark Jones of Aswarby Estate has advised that the Estate does not own this land. Cllr Wright believes that the Parish Council owns it but it is not registered with the Land Registry. There was a discussion that if the Parish Council took ownership this would be an added expense. It was agreed that Cllr Baldwin would discuss with a solicitor how to go about registering the land and the likely cost. Mrs King to look into the possibility of any grants available.
32. Update from Aswarby Estate: The land on The Drove is back on the market again, this means that the contribution towards the school/play area and possibility of land for allotments is held up.
Oil spill - areas of oil contamination have been removed and measures are in place to absorb oils. Contractors are due to attend to install a carbon filter whereby waters will flow through the filter whilst discharging downstream. Our insurers are now handling the works schedule.
Tree – Highfield Close – Inspection took place last week and the tree does seem to be planted on the boundary. I have asked Martin Taylor to address this and to arrange its removal.
33. Community Speed Watch: Cllr Jackson reported that a new co-ordinator has come forward so he is looking into who is still available to join the team. Currently it is 7 people.
34. Path leading to churchyard steps: This is a trip hazard and Mrs King will put it onto Fix My Street to see who is responsible for repairs to this path.
35. Overhanging trees from cemetery onto pathway: These branches have been removed, however they have been left in the cemetery. Cllr North to arrange removal of the branches.
36. Three dead branches in Churchyard: It was agreed that Cllrs Jackson and Bide would look into this with help from Mr Derek North.
37. Planning Matters: Application from 32 High Street, conversion of outbuilding to annexe. Parish Council in agreement with this.
38. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been dealt with.
39. Donations: No donations have been requested.
40. Payments made since last meeting:
Debbie Scott: £15.00 (Additional services)
Tidy Gardens & Grounds: £845.00
Village grass cutting: £450.
Churchyard: £150.
Cemetery: £245
Tidy Gardens & Ground: £550.00
Village grass cutting: £300.
Churchyard: £100.
Cemetery: £150
Payment by cheque:
Mrs E King: Salary of £625 plus reimbursements of £68.71.
41. Dates of Future Meetings:
6th September 2023
1st November 2023
10th January 2024, 6th March 2024
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30 p.m.