September 2023 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 6th September 2023 in the Village Hall
Public Forum:
Two members of the public were present. Questions raised were the dyke to the rear of Pinfold Close and the Drove following the recent oil spillage. Mrs King advised that the Aswarby Estate has informed the Parish Council that soil and water samples have been taken and they are awaiting the results. Concern was also raised over the fencing on The Drove by the land for development. Mrs King advised that this land has now been sold, subject to contract and hopefully work will commence soon.
No declarations of interest.
42. Apologies: Cllrs Baldwin and Wright.
43. In attendance: Cllr Jackson (Chair), Cllrs Dixon, Baker, North and Bide, County Councillor Hagues and Mrs King (Clerk).
44. Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 5th July which had already been circulated, were agreed. Proposed Cllr North, seconded Cllr Bide.
45. Chairman/District Council Report: The report from Cllr Russell is attached to these notes. In addition Cllr Jackson reported the following: discussions are still ongoing regarding moving the speed camera at the north end of the village. Concerns had been raised regarding the drop at the roundabout where the A15 meets the A52. Highways have looked and the verge is going to be raised as soon as possible.
46. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues reiterated that the verge will at the roundabout will be raised as soon as possible. He also advised that he is chasing up the moving of the speed restriction sign. The A17 will be closed at the East Heckington/Bar Lane junction from 7pm to 6 am from 11th September for 3 weeks. There will be a detour but this will be 22 miles.
47. Clerk’s Report: The bank reconciliation is as follows:
Parish Council Account stands at £4,324.98, however the Purchase Order for LCC grass cutting has been received today for £663.57, an invoice has been sent to LCC for this amount. The Cemetery Account stands at £35,970.17. Interest to date this year is £117.74.
The speed sign to the north of the village has now been repaired. Two signs for the village hall have been installed on the green. The village hall would like to install an outside light onto the footpath leading up to the doors. Mrs King asked that, as landlord of the village hall, would the Parish Council have any objections. This was agreed to go ahead. The oil spillage to the rear of Pinfold Close is still being looked into. Two trees have fallen into the dyke at the rear of 21 Pinfold close and Aswarby Estate have advised that once harvesting is over they will be removed.
Mrs King advised the meeting that she will be on holiday from 10th to 21st September.
48. Cowpond Area: No updates available.
49. Update from Aswarby Estate: The following information from the estate was given:
1.The Drove – I understand this may well be sold again. I haven’t full details but if it is the developer I think then the project is likely to move forward. You may already be aware.
2) Oil spill – recent soil & water samples have been taken. I am awaiting for more details.
3) Pub – hopefully the village shop will open later this month. Hopefully the village are pleased to have the pub open again. Unfortunately the Tally Ho is closed at the moment.
4) Development – in due course I will arrange to come to a meeting re Fern House. The council have a new Conservation Officer I am hoping to meet.
50. Community Speed Watch: Cllr Jackson advised that the Community Speed Watch has restarted and he currently has 6 volunteers.
51. Footpath leading up to the churchyard steps Mrs King had reported this to Fix my Street and had been advised that this is not one of the footpaths that LCC look after. It was agreed that Mrs King would ask Pat Walker to supply a quote. This will be done on her return from holiday.
52. Trees in cemetery and churchyard: Mrs King had obtained a quote from P&P French regarding cutting the deadwood from the trees in the churchyard and removing two dead trees from the cemetery. The price was £450. It was agreed that some councillors would look at the work involved following the meeting and let Mrs King know the outcome and the way forward.
NB: Following an inspection of the work required to the trees it was agreed to ask P&P French to go ahead with the work.
53. Mrs King advised that the grit bin on the green in the High Street is split.
On Wednesday 2nd August she reported via Fix my Street, the broken grit bin on the green outside No. 7 High Street and the fact that the salt in both bins in the village had solidified. Telephone call on 3rd August advising that the salt actually needs breaking up, using a claw hammer. Once through the top layer should be easy, said it would take about 30 minutes to do it all. Unfortunately there is not the men to go round all 2000 grit bins and break the salt up. With regard to the broken bin, he said that this would not be a priority and unlikely that it would be a position for a new bin. We agreed that the salt would be broken up by residents (hopefully get somebody to volunteer). To break up the salt in the broken grit bin, if it starts to come out get in touch with them again via Fix My Street, but given the amount of time the grit is used unlikely that they would replace it.
If the above doesn’t work get in touch via Fix My Street again.
Cllrs Jackson and Bide advised that they would break up the salt in readiness for the winter.
54. Planning Matters: The planning application for French doors and 2 velux style windows on the west facing roof of 32 High Street has been approved.
55. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not already been discussed.
56. Donations: No requests had been received for donations.
57. Payments made by BACS since last meeting:
Tidy Gardens & Grounds: 4.8.23: £550
Osbournby VH: 4.8.23: £36.00
Payment of £71.70 has been paid to NKDC for fee for an uncontested parish council. Includes printing, returning officer etc. 4.9.23
Tidy Gardens & Grounds 4.9.23: £275
58. Dates of future Meetings:
1st November 2023, 20th January 2024 and 6th March 2024.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.31 p.m.