January 2022 Minutes


Held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 in the Village Hall

Public Forum:  One member of the public was present.

No declarations of interest.

80.   Apologies:  Apologies were received from Cllr Graham Wright and County Cllr. Andrew Hagues.

81.   In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Baker, North and Baldwin.  Mrs King (Clerk)

82.   Minutes of Previous Meeting: Held on 3rd November 2021 (already circulated) were agreed.  Proposed Cllr North, Seconded Cllr Baldwin.

83.   Co-option of new councillors:  Following the resignations of John Harvey and Lol Camm two vacancies had arisen on the Parish Council.  No election had been called and therefore two new councillors to be co-opted tonight.  Richard Bide and Steffi McClurg were attending the meeting and were introduced to those present.  

Steffi told the meeting that she had moved to the village in 2019 and then lockdown happened in 2020.  Her family were all in Milton Keynes, so she entered into the village community and activities which were held during lockdown.  She enjoyed it so much she wanted to be part of the village and felt that joining the Parish Council would enable her to be a part of the community.  Steffi has 4 children aged 7, 6, 4 and 2.

Richard told the meeting that he was a Lincolnshire lad and had lived in the village for 10 years.  He had served 12 years in the RAF and was now working for an air conditioning company.  He too was already very involved in the village, being a member of Facebook, holding charity events in the village and church.  He, like Steffi, wished to continue with the village community.

The meeting unanimously agreed that both Steffi and Richard become councillors and were welcomed onto the Parish Council.  

84.   Chairman and District Councillor Report:  Cllr Jackson reported the following:

NHS Booster drive:   You can get your booster at a number of places including The Meres in Grantham, some community pharmacies and similar locations, and the Mass Vaccination Centres at PRSA in Boston and the Lincolnshire Showground. 

  • You can book your booster online at one of these locations via the National Booking System or by calling 119. 
  • There is also some walk-in provision at the two Mass Vaccination Centres, although it is recommended you book.
  • GP practices are offering vaccination appointments locally and you can wait to be called by your GP for one of these. Please do not contact your GP surgery without having been contacted first.

Pop-up vaccination walk-ins for children aged 12-15 will continue at PRSA and the Lincolnshire Showground in the New Year, and details about this and other information on the vaccination programme, including an indication of availability of appointments and walk-ins.

Sleaford man recognised in New Year Honours:  Local man Rod Munro – Community Impact Leader at the Sleaford New Life Centre – has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours List.  The award was made ‘for services to vulnerable people’

Digital Hub

Attendance remains low but still well used, moved to Tuesdays 1:00 – 2.30pm to avoid PO booking restrictions have now been moved.

New Street

Two ongoing issues in New Street, untidy garden will be cleaned up this spring and I’m told the issue of a resident not living at a property should be resolved shortly.

18 High Street

Lots of problems with new residents as they have dogs which appear to be living outside, bark constantly and often escape.  The barking also continues into the night and some residents are having to move bedrooms to escape the noise.   Cllr Jackson has spoken with;

Neighbourhood Officers and Environmental Health 

If a resident complains to you point them to the link below;

A log has to be kept of the noise and the dates and times, all information on the website.  Cllr Baldwin asked whether there is an issue with cruelty to the animals and whether the RSPCA should be informed.   

85.   Clerk’s Report:  Mrs King reported that following John Harvey’s resignation, Cllr Baldwin has now become a signatory on the bank account.  All relevant paperwork has been completed and the bank has confirmed.    A new Register of Electors is available and was handed out.  Mrs King asked that all old copies be shredded.   Mrs King also advised that prior to Christmas a gift had been bought for Mel Smith, at a cost of £10,  as a thank you for cutting the grass leading to the Mickling.

86.   County Councillor’s Report:  County Cllr Andrew Hagues was unable to attend the meeting but had sent the following report:

Holdingham roundabout appears to be working very well and is completely finished now.  I’ve been on it at various times during the day and haven’t been held up once and traffic from all directions appears to flow smoothly.

The government withheld £12m of grant money for Lincolnshire road repairs for 2021-2022.  This is likely to happen again for 2022-2023 and LCC are getting a campaign together to try and change the governments minds.  The campaign is called Fix our Funds to Fix our Roads.

The £12m equates to 25% of LCCs Highway funding and in real terms, would pay for 24,000 pothole repairs and 37 miles of crumbling road repairs.  Currently, 660 miles of Lincolnshire roads are rated as Poor to Very Poor.

87.   Budget & Precept Setting:  A copy of the proposed budget had been circulated along with the agenda to give Councillors a chance to look at it prior to the meeting.  Mrs King advised that the main changes from the 2021/22 budget is that the cost of grass cutting has had to be increased due to the increase in charges from the grass cutting company.  Also a sum of £2,000 had been included for elections.  A sum of £1,000 was included for the renovation of the bus stop, along with £1,000 for the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations.  
Following a short discussion the budget for 2022/23 was agreed.  Proposed Cllr Baldwin, seconded Cllr Jackson.  

Following the discussion on the budget, it was agreed that the precept would be set at £5,300.  This would mean that there would be no increase in the amount of money residents would pay through their Council Tax for the Parish Council.  

88.   Update from Aswarby Estate:  Mark Jones was unable to attend the meeting but had sent the following information:

Land on The Drove:  I have not heard anything  in relation to the sale. Hopefully this will move forward quicker. I will update you should I hear anything.  This will then release money to the school and the PC for a play area.
Whichcote Arms – a letting has been agreed and leases are being prepared. Work at the pub will commence in the spring. The Estate is also preparing a planning application for the reuse of the outbuildings. The aim is to create a village shop, small units and a Café alongside the pub. I will forward you more details in due course, prior to submitting an application. 
Football field we are in the process of formalising a letting of the Football Field to Sleaford United Football Club – I believe the club are looking to improve the facility.
Allotments – as per previous discussions we are considering options however these are partly linked with the Drove development, the football field and the future play area. The estate is keen to ensure locations for each are considered by the village, through the PC. At the moment, and without the input of the developer, it makes the jigsaw more difficult to piece together.   At the moment, the majority of land surrounding the village is let, with exception of the football field.  I would therefore like to consider proposals as a whole as all proposed uses are likely to be long term. We are therefore keen to ensure that the correct locations for each are identified. This could also involve discussions with other estate tenants to release land.  
Fern House – To make you aware, I have been in contact with owners surrounding Fern House Farm as the Estate is considering a planning application for the sympathetic conversion of the barns and surrounding land. The barns are now in a poor state of repair. I attach drawings for  information. I am awaiting feedback from the Conservation Officer to proposals after which I will be able to write more fully. I will keeping adjoining residents up to date with our plans.

A discussion took place regarding allotments and the fact that no action is currently being taken.  It was felt that the disused land by the Mickling may be a suitable place and Cllr Jackson agreed to talk to Mark Jones about the possibility of talking to the current tenant regarding this.  It was agreed that as the Parish Council do not own any land, finding a suitable place for allotments was difficult but liaison will continue with the Aswarby Estate in the hope that some land can be located.

89.   Possible removal of stone outside Osbournby House:  Cllr Jackson had been asked by a resident about the possibility of a lamp post in West Street.  He had advised the resident that this matter had been discussed in 2019 when it had been agreed by the residents who lived nearby that they did not wish to have a lamp post.  However following this a complaint had been made about the large white rock on the pavement outside Osbournby House.  It was agreed that this rock was actually on the pavement and needed to be removed.  Cllr Jackson agreed to talk to the residents of Osbournby House.  Action:  Cllr Jackson.  Following this it was discussed that the pavement/grass verge leading down to the village seat from Osbournby House, was in a bad state.  Councillors agreed that it would be a project when the next Village Clear up was held, probably in the Spring, when this path would be cleared.  Following this the grass cutting company would be asked to ensure that this verge was also included in their cutting schedule.  

90.   Community Speed Watch:   Cllr Jackson reported that he had four more volunteers for the CSW who would be trained and then hopefully the speed watch would recommence in the Spring.

91.   Church Path/cemetery Wall update:  Cllr North reported that Mr Simon Ballard has agreed that he would repair the church path, but this will not be able to happen until the spring in case of frost.  No price has been given.  With regards to the cemetery wall repairs, councillors had not been able to find a builder who could undertake this work.  Cllr North explained to new councillors, McClurg and Bide that a large sum of money had been left to the Parish Council but that it was only to be spent on maintaining the cemetery.  The wall would cost a lot to repair but as the money is available it would seem a very good way of using it.  

92.   Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations:  It had already been agreed that the village would hold celebrations for the Jubilee.  Mr Derek North had already agreed that a bonfire could be lit on his field at the top of the hill.  It was decided that a flyer would be produced and distributed around the village, inviting everybody who was interested in becoming involved to attend a meeting in the village hall to discuss what activities would be held and to join a working party.  This would also be put on the village Facebook page.  It was agreed that a street party would be a great idea, along with mugs for the children. 

Actions: Mrs King to prepare a flyer and arrange distribution and arrange for information to be put on Facebook. 

Village Hall to be booked for Saturday 5th February as date for meeting

Cllr North to talk to Countryside Art about producing mugs and also to Mr Alan Drury to design.

93.   Planning Matters:  A planning application had been received for the demolition of Sycamore Farm.  Cllr Jackson informed the meeting that this planning application had been rejected for the following reasons:

The existing dwelling is a 17th or 18th century stone cottage that is relatively unaltered, located within the Osbournby Conservation Area. Consultation with the Council's Conservation Officer has also identified that the cottage would meet the criteria to be considered a non-designated heritage asset at the very least. The dwelling contributes positively to the street scene given the construction and location adjacent to the road.

It is considered that the proposal would cause substantial harm to (total loss of) a non-designated heritage asset, and harm at the upper end of "less-than-substantial" to the character of the Osbournby conservation area as a whole, and that no public benefit accrues from the proposal which would offset this. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of Policies LP25 and LP26 of the CLLP and to advice contained within the NPPF.

It is noted that no evidence of serious structural issues has been presented nor has any information been provided as to the cost of repair of the building to provide justification for the demolition. Accordingly, the recommendation is one of refusal.

Policy LP25: The Historic Environment

Development proposals should protect, conserve and seek opportunities to enhance the historic environment of Central Lincolnshire.

Policy LP26: Design and Amenity

All development, including extensions and alterations to existing buildings, must achieve high quality sustainable design that contributes positively to local character, landscape and townscape, and supports diversity, equality and access for all.

94.   Correspondence:  No correspondence had been received which has not already been discussed.

95.   Donations:  A request had been received from LIVES asking for donations.  It was unanimously agreed that a sum of £100 would be donated.  

96.   Payments:  The following payments were made tonight:

Cheque No. 896:   Mrs E King            £559.26
Cheque No. 897:   Community Lincs         £48.00
Cheque No. 898:   Streetwise             £336.00
Cheque No 899:   Osbournby DCC         £19.04
Cheque No. 890   Osbournby Village Hall      £18.00
Total of Cheques drawn tonight:            £980.30

Bank Reconcilation:

Bank Balance as at 21st December 2021         £7,245.94
Tonight’s cheques                  £   980.30
Balance:                     £6,265.64
Cemetery Account as at 9.12.21               £37,367.18

97.   Dates for meetings for 2022:  1st Wednesday of the month:   2nd March, 4th May, 6th July, 7th September and 2nd November.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15.

New Councillors Bide and McClurg then signed relevant paperwork to be sent to NKDC.  

Register of Interest forms given to be completed and returned to Mrs King