September 2022 DRAFT Notes
NOTES OF OSBOURNBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 7th September 2022 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: Several members of the public were present
No Declarations of Interest
40. Apologies: Cllr McClurg
41. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), North, Baldwin, Baker, Wright, Bines. Mrs King (Clerk)
42. Minutes of Previous meeting, held on 25th July, already circulated, were approved. Proposed Cllr Baldwin, Seconded Cllr Bines.
43. Mr Mark Jones of Aswarby Estate joined the meeting to share the Estate’s plans for the village. Mr Jones confirmed that the land on The Drove has now been sold and contracts have been exchanged. The Developer is from Rotherham. The Estate will be ensuring that the land is developed in accordance with the planning permissions granted some time ago and any changes that they wish to make will have to be discussed with the Parish Council. Within the planning agreement is the provision of play equipment which could be sited on the field to the rear of the development. Again this would be discussed with local residents and the Parish Council, but if it were to go ahead there is a possibility that allotments could be sited there too. To date this would be the best site as there would be access and water. A bridge would need to be built. Cllr Jackson said that the request for allotments by residents had been made a year ago and he hoped that there would be an answer soon. Mr Jones felt that the land behind the Drove would be the best available as it is Estate land. A contribution would also be made to the school by the Developers.
Work on the Whichcote Arms is continuing well and it is hoped that it will be opening April 2023. There will be a farm shop, two other units and a cafe at the back going out into the garden. The Tally Ho is also re-opening this week and it is hoped there will be more pro-active marketing. A new roof will be fitted during October – February (there are bats in the roof and this is the only time the work is allowed to take place).
Fernhouse Farm: Mr Jones advised the meeting that they will be applying for planning permission to renovate the farmhouse and the outbuildings at the back. The outbuildings will need careful work to bring it up to standard for a single dwelling. At the same time the Estate will be applying for planning permission for two buildings to be erected on the land. Access would be through the farm entrance and they would be built in a very sympathetic way, making sure that they fitted in with adjacent buildings and ensured privacy for all involved. Mr Jones said that he has written to some local residents informing them of the changes and will ensure that others who will be affected by the build will be informed. Planning permissions are taking longer at the moment, but once the plans are finalised the Parish Council will be sent copies. Once all the planning permissions are granted, the Estate will be putting the proposed development up for sale.
Mr Jones was asked when the trees alongside the A15 by Saddlers Farm could be cut back, they are now overhanging the road making it extremely difficult for pedestrians to see oncoming traffic. It is particularly important now that the new term has started. This is also the spot of a fatal accident a few years ago. Mr Jones will look into this as a matter or urgency.
44. Chairman’s Report/District Council Report: Please see attached report from Cllr Jackson. Cllr Jackson also reported the Hub attendance is better lately. The new manager at the Children’s Home has asked if anything could be done about speeding through the village and it was acknowledged that as drivers see the no limit sign they speed up. Cllr Jackson had explained to him that various things had been put in place to try to stop the speeding, e.g. the speed signs, school signs and trying to get the Community Speed Watch activated. One possibility was to ask LCC if it was possible to move the no limit signs 50 yards further southwards. Mrs King to do this.
Cllr Jackson also reported that the dogs from the bungalow in the village were still causing a nuisance and asked all councillors that if anybody complained to ask them to log the incident with NKDC. A photo and statement has been submitted to NKDC.
45. Clerk’s report: Following payment of tonight’s invoices the Parish Council account will stand at £8,052.72 and the Cemetery Account at £36,524.37. £80 was received recently for an interment. Regarding internet banking, following a telephone call to the bank today with Cllr North and Mrs King it would appear that the information required for internet banking will be with us shortly.
Chris Pell has started cutting the grass again, it was cut on the 27th August, the first time since 9th July. Currently the bill for grass cutting is £800 but a sum of approximately £600 should be received from LCC. The same applies to the churchyard and cemetery, although if it is a mild autumn cutting may go on later into the year.
The path alongside the nursery on the A15 is very uneven and to date there has been, to our knowledge, 4 falls. The last one was at the weekend when the person concerned cracked a rib. This needs to be reported on Fix my Street again. It was also acknowledged that the path outside the Cottage on the London Road is very uneven with tree roots and this too needs to be reported as it is a real trip hazard.
Mrs King also asked if Councillors wanted a skip rented this year, it was agreed that this was a good idea and the skip would be ordered for 12th November. Cllr Wright said he would not be manning it this year. When information advising of the skip is circulated, information on what is not allowed will be included.
46. County Council report: No report available.
47. Code of Conduct: The NKDC Code of Conduct was adopted by the Parish Council. Mrs King to inform NKDC.
48. Sign for properties at the rear of the High Street: A resident, Mr Corbyn had advised that couriers, ambulances etc. had not been able to find the bungalows at the rear of the two flats leading to the school rear entrance. The sign for the bungalows is only visible from one direction. If the sign were to be mounted on the wall at the front it would need an arrow pointing to the back. It was agreed that this would be looked into and if necessary NKDC asked if they could add an additional sign. It was acknowledged that the numbering of the properties on the High Street is not straightforward.
49. New Bench: The new bench to be purchased from the Jubilee money has not been ordered as it is felt that the old bench could be upcycled rather than buying new. It was agreed that this would be looked into by Mrs Tracey Richardson, and it would probably be less expensive than buying new.
50. Update on church path/cemetery wall: It was agreed that the price received for the cemetery wall repairs was too high and not possible for the Parish Council to do. The work required on the church path was more reasonable but nothing more has been heard from the builder since he was advised that the cemetery wall would not be repaired. Mrs King said that the builder who had undertaken work on the village hall may be prepared to give a quote and Mrs King to contact him to ask him if he would be able to quote.
51. Donations: No donations had been requested.
52. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been discussed.
53. Payments: The following payments were made tonight:
Cheque No 923: Osbournby Village Hall £18.00
Cheque No. 924: CJP Gardening Services £150.00
Cheque No. 925: Alan Drury £130.00
54. Dates of Next Meetings: 2nd November 2022, 11th January 2023 and 1st March 2023.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.