July 2022 Minutes
MINUTES OF OSBOURNBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Monday 25th July 2022 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: 3 members of the public were present.
No declarations of interest.
Mr Peter & Mrs Julie Bembridge attended the meeting giving the Parish Council information on a planning application they are submitting for a proposed new property next to 17 London Road. They had plans of the proposal and said that initial plans had been submitted to NKDC, but they had been advised that they had to get the agreement of neighbours and the Parish Council. The plans show that the new build would be very much in keeping with other properties on the London Road. The planning application would be for outline planning permission. Following discussion the Parish Council agreed that they had no objections to the proposal and Mrs King agreed that she would email Mr & Mrs Bembridge with this information. Mr and Mrs Bembridge thanked the meeting for their support and left.
24. Apologies: Cllr Russell Jackson and County Councillor Andrew Hagues.
25. In attendance: Cllrs Baker, Baldwin, North, Bines, Wright and McClurg.
26. Minutes of previous meeting: held on 4th May 2022 were approved. Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Baldwin.
27. Chairman’s report/District Council Report: As Cllr Jackson was unable to attend the meeting, his report was read out by Mrs King. It stated the following:
Community Champion Awards
Nominations now open across 11 categories, reflecting the many ways through which people, groups and businesses make a positive difference to life locally. Nominations must be made by September 9
Nominations can be made at www.nkawards.org There is more detail and guidance notes there, and profiles of recent years’ finalists
Parish Councils – Code of Conduct Workshops
Following on from our Council’s adoption of the LGA Model Code of Conduct, parish/town councils in the District are being encouraged to also adopt the code. The code and guidance along with a summary of the arrangements around adopting the code has been shared with parish councils at the end of May and again in June.
Three online workshop events specifically for parish clerks/councillors have been arranged for 19 July, 4 August, and 5 September to be delivered by the Monitoring Officer. There will be a maximum number at each event to ensure ease of participation
Major roadworks in NK
We have been made aware of significant roadworks due to take place in the District which you may want to make your residents aware of, and also note if they may affect your travel to or from meetings.
Byards Leap A17 and A607
Works to rebuild a worn-out section of the A17 at Byards Leap will start in July. The works, which will start on Monday 11 July, are expected to last for up to five weeks.
During the project, night-time road closures will be in place from 7pm to 6am, weekday evenings only. The diversion route for the closure will be via A46 / A15 / Holdingham Roundabout, and vice versa.
Nearby, there will also be resurfacing on a small section of the A607 and waterproofing and joint replacement works to the A607 Fulbeck Bridge, which runs above the A17.
The A607 Fulbeck Bridge works will start on Wednesday 27 July and last for up to two months. The improvements will be carried out under a full 24/7 closure of the crossing, with a diversion route in place via A15 from Bracebridge Heath / Holdingham roundabout / A153 Grantham Road / A607, and vice versa.
The A607 resurfacing works, taking place between Leadenham and Fulbeck, will start on Wednesday 27 July for six weeks under a full road closure with a signed diversion route in place.
For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/roadworks.
Annual Canvass
The Annual Canvass is now underway, with emails already being sent to residents, and letters to follow from next week. This process allows the Council to keep the Electoral Register for the District up to date. More information on the Annual Canvass is available on the Council website.
LALC Shining Star Awards
Nominees and winners from North Kesteven.
Council of the Year
Ruskington PC was highly commended
Young Councillor
Cllr Reece Harrington of Washingborough Parish Council achieved Joint First Place
Parish Clerk
Joint 2nd Place – Kathryn Lock & Kirsty Sinclair, Ruskington
3rd place - Karen Broddle, Washingborough
4th place - Rachel Popplewell, Witham St Hughs and Eagle
Priority Services Register - Anglian Water
NKDC have received a reminder from Anglian Water about their Priority Services Register which may be of value to vulnerable or elderly residents, or those struggling with cost of living.
More information on the Annual Canvass is available on the Council website HERE.
Anglian Water’s specially trained Extra Care support team can create personalised payment plans to help our customers budget, provide some breathing space if they need some extra time to pay, as well as guide them towards other help and benefits available.
With different tariff options, customers could be eligible for a discount of up to 50% on their water charges, depending on their situation.
They also provide a range of free practical support services through our Priority Services Register. Priority Services in place to help lots of people with different needs and is completely free. By signing up, we are made aware of a customer’s circumstance (for example, if they’re living with a disability or going through a life change) and can tailor our services to better support their needs.
NK Lottery update
To participate in the NK Lottery, see what good causes are local to you and promote it locally, see www.NKlottery.co.uk
Digital Hub
Attendance is up slightly; we have done leaflet drops to surrounding villages and advertised locally.
No update
Issues in the village
It is important all issues are logged with NDKC, please continue to encourage any residents with a problem to log a ticket on the NKDC website or call 01529 414 155
28. Clerk’s Report: Due to the meeting being cancelled on 6th July, the following cheques had been drawn outside the meeting:
Cheque No: 915: Lincolnshire YMCA Ltd £126.00
Cheque No. 916: Mrs E King £630.10
Cheque No. 917: Osbournby Village Hall £36.00
Cheque No. 918: Streetwise £360.00
Cheque No. 919: Alan Drury £520.00
Cheque No. 920: cjpgarden services £200.00
TOTAL: £1872.10
Cheques to be drawn at this meeting:
Cheque No. 921: Alan Drury £130.00
Cheque No. 922: cpjgarden services £200.00
TOTAL: £330.00
Bank account balance as at 21 June 2022: £10,488.67
(This includes a VAT refund of £479.19 & £134.25 Jubilee money)
Bank balance following above payments and Direct debits is £8,253.64
Cemetery Account Balance: £36,524.05
Bank mandate: All signed and sent off in June, however have rung bank taking weeks to do and now have had letter saying needed to contact them, when I rang they didn’t know what the issue was. I have sent part of the form again hoping that it will sort out.
Prelude Day Nursery shut on 22nd July. Cllr Baldwin said that she believed that the nursery was for sale as a going concern. The reason it had shut was due to lack of staff following the pandemic.
The Factory on The Drove – concrete boulders have now been placed at the entrance to the factory, Cllr Wright said that this had been done to stop travellers entering.
Overhanging trees on the London Road from the gardens in Sunshine Row. Mark Jones to be asked to have the branches cut down.
There will be an Interment in the cemetery tomorrow of Edith Mary Anyan.
29. County Council Report: As Cllr Andrew Hagues was unwell and unable to attend the meeting he had sent the following report:
LCC will be organising free holiday activities and food clubs across the county during the summer holidays. The programme is open to primary and secondary aged children and young people receiving benefits related free school meals. It is funded by the Department of Education and has been made possible, thanks to local partners, including schools, sports providers leisure centres, youth clubs, early years and kids clubs. You can find out further details at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-pupil-support/holiday-activities-food-programme.
Eligible families are also being supported through the Household SupportFund.Lincolnshire has been allocated £5.5m. Half of this money has already been passed on to schools and early years providers to support eligible pupils. Any resident facing financial difficulties can find details by visiting https://costoflivingsupport.campaign.gov.uk
Highways are currently looking to see what impact the proposed new housing in and around Sleaford will have on transportation in Sleaford and are hoping to have a model ready by the end of this year.
30. Feedback from Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: Mrs King reported the following:
As you are all probably aware the Jubilee Celebrations went very well, with large number of residents and friends turning up for all the events that had been planned.
The number of people helping to set up, help on the days/evenings and clear up was the best ever for any event held in the village since I’ve been involved. So thank you to everybody.
The three bands and 2 singers were a huge success the only downside was it turned very cold so some people were dancing wrapped in blankets. Due to the forecast of rain the following day the school field was cleared on the Saturday night with the hall being cleared on the Sunday.
All the mugs were either donated to the 67 children aged under 16 in the village or sold. So much so that an additional 20 mugs had to be ordered, these are now sold.
The total spend was £848.93, £598.51 was on the mugs (VAT can be reclaimed at £99.75).
Income was £983.25, so a profit of £134.25 has been paid into the bank. As the PC agreed in the budget to fund up to £1,000 the celebrations, it is hoped that a new seat can be purchased to replace the existing seat outside the village hall. Mrs King had 2 examples of benches, one in the jubilee colours and another in brown. Both made from recycled material. It was agreed that a decision regarding which colour seat would be made after councillors had looked at the examples online. Mrs King to send information out.
Special thanks to all the helpers but especially to Nina for the dog show, Derek, James and Ian for supplying the beer, Jane for organising and distributing the mugs, and thanks to Heather Bide, head at the school, who allowed the use of the field and many of the school tables. And everybody else who helped in any way, too numerous to mention.
31. Grass Cutting – new contractor: Everybody agreed that the grass cutting in the village undertaken by the new contractor: CJPGarden Services, was very good, particularly when he had to cut the very long grass after being let down by Streetwise Services.
32. Parking: Cllr McClurg had asked the parking of a motor home on the slip road on the London Road could be looked into. As the vehicle is taxed and insured it is not an offence to park on the road.
33. Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones had sent the following information:
The Drove Development – I believe contracts are nearing completion and as soon as this has happened we will be in touch with the new owner to discuss the development. I am hopeful the developer will start quickly on site which will then unlock payments to the School and to the Parish Council.
I have been advised by Sleaford United Football Club that unfortunately the club will not use the Football Field at Osbournby. They are currently using a pitch at Scredington which provides better facilities. Having discussed the pitch with them, substantial work is required to bring it back up to standard and therefore it is unlikely to be used as a football pitch again.
With this in mind, I am now looking at other uses for the site which could include allotments. I will therefore be in a better position to come back to the Parish Council as soon as I have been in contact with the new owner of the Drove, as some of the Village projects are financed by monies from the site.
The Whichcote Arms – work continues to renovate the premises with works to the Courtyard starting within the next few weeks. Opening dates will be next year however the new tenant is already seeking small business to occupy the Courtyard Buildings in accordance with the Planning Permission.
Mark Jones has asked when the next Parish Council will be held (7th September) as he wished to attend to discuss proposals for Fernhouse Farm as he would like to display proposals for the farm buildings (dilapidated ones) and the land to the side as they wished to convert the existing buildings plus potentially two new build properties.
34. Update: Church footpath/cemetery wall: Due to the high cost of the rebuilding of the cemetery wall, this is not going to happen. There was a discussion about whether the wall could be repaired and this will be looked into with Cllr Jackson on his return from holiday. The church path will also be agreed once Cllr Jackson is home.
35. Code of Conduct: Mrs King had sent out the new Code of Conduct with the agenda and asked that all councillors read this and agree to it as it is hoped to adopt it at the September meeting. As stated in Cllr Jackson’s report, NKDC will be holding workshops on this if anybody wished to attend. The workshops will be online.
36. Donations: No donations have been requested.
37. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been dealt with.
38. Payments: The following payments were made tonight:
Cheque No. 921: Alan Drury £130.00
Cheque No. 922: cpjgarden services £200.00
TOTAL: £330.00
39. Dates of next meeting: 7TH September and 2nd November.
Cllr Wright asked if the state of the footpath down the side of the nursery and the tree roots growing outside The Cottage on the London Road, could be brought to the next meeting, however it was agreed that this could be reported online via Fix my Street at LCC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.