November 2022 Minutes
NOTES OF OSBOURNBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 2nd November 2022 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: One member of the pubic was present.
54. Apologies: Cllr Jackson. County Councillor Hagues
55. In attendance: Cllr Baker (Chair), Cllrs North, Baldwin, McClurg, Bines and Wright. Mrs King (Clerk)
56. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th September (already circulated) were approved following the amendment of Item No. 44 to Northwards from Southwards. Proposed Cllr Wright, seconded Cllr Bine.
57. Chairman’s Report/District Council Report: No report was available for the meeting.
58. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King advised that she had received a poster from Anglian Water regarding the proposed reservoir and had placed it in the notice board. All households had received information regarding this proposal and information on the public consultation events.
Mrs King also discussed the Lincolnshire Police Priority Setting Meeting which was asking what priorities should be in our area. The only area the meeting could suggest was speeding through the village and road safety. It was agreed that if anybody had another suggestion they would forward it to Mrs King by the end of November.
59. County Council Report: As Cllr Hagues was unable to attend the meeting he had sent the following information. LCC has an underspend of £7.5m on this year’s budget and have decided to put £5m of this for additional road repairs. The remainder of the money will go into adult care.
Due to the unprecendented outbreak of Avian influenza, which is likely to get worse before it gets better A 3km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone has been declared around premises near Woodhall Spa for chickens and near Sleaford for turkeys. The rest of Lincolnshire is in an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone.
60. Grass Cutting: Mrs King reported that the new grass cutting contractor, Chris Pell has cut the grass on 5 occasions and everybody very pleased as a good job done. However following him cutting the grass in October she received a text saying that we would have to find someone else for next year due to harassment by general public. Mrs King was obviously very upset to hear this and telephoned him but he did not answer, she left a message asking if it was somebody in Osbournby who had been rude to him and could he let her know. No response again so final invoice was paid she sent a message saying it had paid by BACS and that we were all very sorry that he was not able to continue with grass cutting for us, but would be very grateful if he could let us know if it was in Osbournby that he was harassed. We have been so pleased with his work and really sorry that he felt unable to continue. His response was “thanks for the payment: I did what I could for your Parish, I just think I would cause more problems than it’s worth. Many thanks once again for the opportunity to work for you.”
We now have to find a new grass cutter for next year so if anybody knows of a reliable person please let Mrs King know.
61. Moving Speed Signs – North End of the Village: Mrs King had been in contact with LCC Highways regarding this. We were advised that County Councillor Hagues had to be in agreement and that there was a form to complete. Mrs King and Cllr Jackson had looked at the form but could not see where to put a request in for changing the position. In the meantime Cllr Hagues was asked if he would support this and responded that he would. However the person who would deal with the matter had been on leave and Cllr Hagues was still awaiting a reply to his email regarding the move.
62. Church Path Quote: Mrs King and Cllr North and Mr Derek North, as church warden, had met with Pat Walker in October to look at the repairs to the church path. Mr Walker had supplied a quote, £1,300 for the 3 metre length, or for the 6 metre length £2,600. Mr Derek North had offered to remove the rubble from the existing path which has obviously kept the cost down. It was agreed unanimously that the 6 metre length would be repaired and Mrs King to inform Mr Walker.
There was a discussion regarding the state of the foot path by the steps to the rear of the church. However it was felt that the front path was more important to repair and that at some point in the future more repairs may be carried out.
63. Update regarding land on The Drove: Mrs King reported that she had an email from Sherwood Ecology & Sustainability Ltd asking if they could attend the November Parish Council meeting and present the proposed planning application to the land on The Drove. Mrs King was later informed that the plans would not be ready in time for the November meeting and whether an extraordinary meeting could be held in December. Cllr Jackson wanted the Parish Council to see the plans prior to any consultation with residents so has asked that once the plans are available they are forwarded to the Parish Council and a date can then be set for consultation with residents.
64. Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones had sent the following information: The Whichcote Arms, still hoping to open in April next year. They have not heard anything regarding the Drove development and until information is available nothing further can be done regarding the allotments and play area. The trees on the London Road have now been pruned back. Fern House Farm – the estate will be submitting a pre-application to the Council before Christmas. Mr Jones will write to all neighbours before anything is submitted. Mr Jones also advised that there will be a few properties to let in the coming months in Osbournby and Aunsby should anybody know of anyone who is looking.
65. Skip – 12th November: Skip is now booked and flyers have been distributed to all households. Cllrs Jackson and Bines will be manning the skip, delivery 8 a.m. collection between 11 an 11.30. Mrs King has a list of what is not allowed in the skip and will ensure that it is available to Cllrs Jackson and Bines on the day. This information is also on the flyer and poster.
66. Internet Banking: This is now working well and Mrs King is able to pay invoices by BACS. It was agreed that for the regular invoices these would be paid by Mrs King as received, with a note of the date and time of the transaction being made on the invoice. These would be signed at the next Parish Council Meeting. For any out of the ordinary invoices Mrs King would get approval from two of the signatories. It was also agreed that Mrs King’s salary and expenses would continue to be paid by cheque. Payments made since the last meeting are:
Alan Drury: £130. Paid on 7th October at 10.40 a.m.
CJP Gardening Services: £150 paid on 26 October at 1.25 p.m.
Osbournby Village Hall: £18 paid on 27th October at 11.15 a.m.
Current balances £7395.55 and £36,528.68
£609.70 has been received from LCC for grass cutting (3.10.22) This means that for this year £1,100 paid, which means that grass cutting has cost £490.30 against a budget of £700.
67. Donations: No requests for donations have been made this period.
68. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been discussed.
Dates of next meeting: 11th January and 1st March.
Following the meeting there was a discussion on the proposed reservoir with some councillors expressing their views. However the Parish Council has not been asked for their opinion on this proposal and it is up to individuals to attend the forums and put their views forward.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m