March 2022 Minutes
MINUTES OF OSBOURNBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Wednesday 8th March 2022 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: No members of the public were in attendance.
No declarations of interest
98. Apologies: Apologies were received from Councillor Jane North.
99. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Baker, McClurg, Bide, Wright and Baldwin. County Councillor Andrew Hagues, Mrs King (Clerk)
100. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Held on 12th January (already circulated) were agreed. Proposed Cllr Bide, Seconded Cllr Baldwin.
101. Chairman/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson reported that the NKDC website has information regarding donations to Ukraine. The second review of parliamentary boundaries are changing at the next election and it will become Osbournby and Helpringham Ward. The new NKDC lottery has grants available. Currently the Hub is not too busy, new posters will shortly be available and the Hub will be advertised further afield. The house in New Street where the tenant was not living has now been vacated. There are still ongoing problems with the property in High Street. Local neighbours are logging the noise from the dogs, officers from NKDC have visited but it has always been quiet on their visits. The stone on the path outside Osbournby House will be removed. Complaint received regarding overgrown tree down the side of the footpath to the school, this will be cut back shortly.
102. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King discussed the number of newsletters coming through and asked whether Councillors wished to continue to receive them. It was agreed that Mrs King would read through the newsletters and advise of any relevant information to the Councillors. It was also agreed that information received by email would be forwarded on to councillors between meetings. A recent LALC newsletter advised that councillors should have their own council email address. Mrs King asked that if councillors did this to inform her.
The LALC training schedule of fees has been sent, the cost to the Parish Council would be £102 per annum. It was agreed that as very little training is taken up it would be paid for on an ad hoc basis.
A letter had been received from Streetwise, the company who undertakes grass cutting in the village. The company was started when Rushcliffe Borough Council set up as a separate company using it to undertake all its grounds maintenance and street cleansing. Rushcliffe BC has now “insourced” Streetwise back into the council. However Streetwise will continue to deliver its grass cutting service to other councils.
Cllr North had forwarded a suggestion that a “Parish Council Suggestion Box” could be installed somewhere in the village. Following discussion this was felt not to be a good idea. However it was agreed that a website link could be set up so that if people wished to make anonymous suggestions to the council it could be done that way.
Information had been sent from the Aveland Jubilee Project advising that they wished to create a lasting artwork that reflects the thoughts and ideas of villagers from across the Aveland Wapentake. (The Aveland Wapentake was an ancient governmental area that encompasses around 30 villages and the town of Bourne, in modern day South Kesteven District in Lincolnshire). The idea is that working with local craftspeople and members of village and town communities will create 3 stained glass panels set in bespoke hardwood frames. These will be portable and displayed in each village in rotation. The Project was asking for a contribution of up to £300 for this to be undertaken. After discussion it was agreed that no contribution would be made at this time, but that if villagers became involved and requested that a contribution be made it could be looked at again.
Bank Reconcilation:
Bank balance as at 25th January: £6,130.31, payments tonights and direct debits total £474.02, leaving a balance of £5,656.29. A sum of £600 will be paid to Mrs King later this month for salary, tax and reimbursement leaving an approximate balance at year end of £5K.
Income for 2022/23: VAT refund £460 (approx); repayment from cemetery fund: £800, Precept £5,300.
CEMETERY ACCOUNT Balance £37,367.51.
103. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues reported the following:
Devolution Update:
• Lincolnshire has not been included within the 9 no. pilots selected to proceed this Autumn.In spite of strong support from the leaders of all the District councils and county, it is hoped that Lincolnshire will be included in the next trouche.
• Across 2022/23 LCC will spend over £500m on a wide range of vital services, including £200m for Adult services, £80m for Children’s social care and around £20m for the Fire service.
• This is despite the council facing an estimated shortfall of £22m over the next 4 years.
• In response to an estimated £13m increase in Adult care costs for 2022/23, we have increased our Adult care precept by 3%.
• We have also had to respond to the Government not re-instating a 25% cut in our Highways maintenance budget. Without this funding our roads would see 25% fewer repairs. So to make up this shortfall, the general council tax has been increased by 2%.
• Despite these measures we believe Lincolnshire will still have the second lowest council tax of any council in England.
104. Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones from the Estate had sent an email on 28th February which had been circulated. It stated that the Drove development should be starting shortly and that the Whichcote Arms had a tenant and that planning had been submitted for change of use for farm shop and small units. Likely to be opened early next year.
Regarding allotments Mr Jones said that he had discussed his preferred site with the farm tenant, but that he must stress that the Landlord does not have an automatic right to take land out of a tenancy. The removal of land would need to be agreed by negotiation. Furthermore, there would be a requirement to pay compensation (under the terms of the tenancy) and professional fees to any farm tenant we approach. It may be therefore be prudent to budget approximately £1500 / £2000 + VAT to cover such payments. Mr Jones will give more information as and when he can, however they would not be in a position to provide land in time for this growing season (as most is cropped until August / September).
It was agreed to email Mr Jones asking if he could let the Parish Council know which land he is thinking of.
105. Community Speed Watch: Cllr Jackson reported that he had new volunteers for the CSW who would be trained and then hopefully the speed watch would recommence shortly.
106. Church Path/cemetery Wall update: Cllr North had advised Mrs King that she would chase Simon Ballard for a price and hopefully a start date, if the price was acceptable.
107. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: A meeting had been held on 5th February with a number of villagers attending. It has been agreed that the school playing field can be used for the event, along with other events taking place in the village over a 3 day period. A second meeting is to be held on Saturday 12th March when hopefully the timetable will be decided and following that information will be publicised. It is hoped to be a very enjoyable time for the community.
A number of oak saplings are available in the village and it was hoped to plant them to have a Jubilee Oak Wood. However the Parish Council had no land available and it was agreed to ask Aswarby Estate is there was any land that could be used. The Council had also been offered two saplings, one an oak and one a red maple. It was agreed that many trees have fallen during recent storms and more were likely to be lost. It was hoped that the Estate might have a suitable piece of land.
108. Planning Matters: The barn conversion at Spanby House has been approved.
The planning application for 32 High Street, removal of all windows and replace with wooden double glazed windows, no objections.
Retrospective planning application for Prelude Nursery, erection of wooden framed external weather shelter with Perspex roof, no ojections. However councillors were surprised that the nursery had undertaken the work without obtaining planning consent as this had also happened when they had built a porch and had to remove it as retrospective planning permission had not been granted.
109. Corresondence: A thank you letter from LIVES had been received for our £100 donation.
110. Donations: A letter had received from Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire asking for a donation. It was agreed that a donation of £80 would be made and the cheque was drawn at this meeting.
111. Payments:
Cheque No. 902: Osbournby Village hall rental: £18.00
Cheque No. 903: LALC (subscription) £151.82
Cheque No. 904: LIVES – Defib pads & battery £153.54
Cheque No. 905: CAB donation: £80.00
Direct Debits: Feb/March Wifi: £70.66
112. Dates for meetings for 2022: 1st Wednesday of the month: 4th May this will also be the Annual Meeting, followed by the usual Parish Council meeting; 6th July, 7th September and 2nd November.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15.