May 2022 Minutes



Held on Wednesday 4th May 2022 in the Village Hall

The meeting commenced after the Annual Meeting had been held.  

Public Forum:  No members of the public were in attendance.

No declarations of interest

1.   Appointment of Chairperson:  Cllr Jackson was proposed to remain as Chairperson by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Baldwin.  Cllr Jackson accepted the proposal.

2.   Acceptance of Standing Orders and Chairpersonship:  The relevant papers were signed by Cllr Jackson and Mrs King.

3.   Appointment of Vice Chairman: Cllr Baker was proposed as Vice Chairman and accepted.

4.   Apologies:  Cllrs Bide and McClurg.

5.   In attendance: Cllr Jackson (Chairperson), Cllrs Baker, Wright, Baldwin and North. Mrs King (Clerk), County Cllr. Andrew Hagues.

6.   Minutes of previous meeting:  Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th March, already circulated were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Baker.

7.   Signing off the 2021/22 Accounts:  Mrs King informed the meeting that the 2021/22 accounts have been duly audited and found to be in order.  Mrs King informed the meeting that the income for the year had been £6,228 with spends of £7,624.  The year ended with the Parish Council account standing at £4,890.80 and the Cemetery Account at £37,368.11.  It was proposed by Cllr Jackson and seconded by Cllr North that the accounts be signed off.  

8.   Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and other interest forms:  No changes were required to any of the forms.

9.   Chairperson/District Council Report: A copy of the District Council and Chairperson’s report is attached to these minutes.  There was a discussion about the ongoing issue with residents in the High Street, particularly in relation to the dog fouling and the dogs being lose in the street.  

10.   Clerk’s Report: Mrs King reported that the Parish Council started the year with a balance of £10,190.  This included the precept of £5,300.  £845 will be transferred from the Cemetery Account to Parish Council account to pay for grass cutting etc., carried out in the cemetery during the year.  A VAT refund of £516 will also be claimed.  

Mrs King asked if she could apply for internet banking.  The use of cheques if becoming less and less.  Mrs King had discussed this with the auditor, Mrs Debbie Scott, who advised that Mrs King would need to become a signatory to the account to allow access to internet banking.  All payments would be approved at Parish Council Meetings or via email if outside a meeting.  All agreed that this should be the way forward.  

Mrs King advised that the Sleaford Striders would be running a 10K fun run on 12th August starting at 6.45 in Screddington.  No roads would be shut but there would be many runners about.  

Tracey Richardson is trying to set up a Village Tidy Day on either 22nd or 29th May.  This is being done via Facebook.  Cllr Jackson asked if the village hall could be used to serve baconn rolls and tea/coffee after the clear up.  Mrs King to discuss with Mrs Richardson.  

An interment was carried out in the cemetery recently.  It was very overgrown around the area and would have been impossible to carry out the interment.  Denise Drury cleared the area and a charge of £25 has been made.  

11.   County Council Report:  The ‘Government Shared Prosperity Fund’ has allocated £4m. to the county council to improve adult numeracy skills in Lincolnshire.

There are already a number of free numeracy courses available in the county, but this money means we can arrange new courses and work together with employers to improve work skills.  
Balfour Beatty has now been chosen to design and build the North Hykeham Relief Road (Lincoln Southern Bypass).  Planning permission will applied for in 2023, with construction starting in late 2025 and finishing in 2028.  

During at recent Ofsted inspection, their report found that the county ensured families received the right help at the right time with a clear focus on the needs of children.

Of the 6,870 children wanting a primary school place this year 6,579 (95.75%) will receive their first choice.

Consulting for Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022.  Residents are being asked to make their views known on locations, accessibility and the services provided by Pharmacies in Lincolnshire, both now and in the future. The consultation is live, ending 20th. June and can be viewed on Lets Talk Lincolnshire

12.   Clerk’s Salary:  Mrs King had asked Cllr Jackson if she could receive an annual salary rather than having to keep a note of what hours she worked.  Over the last five years the average salary has worked out to £2,000.  Mrs King has not received a pay increase since she started in 2012.  Mrs King was asked to leave the meeting whilst this was discussed.  

On returning to the meeting Mrs King was advised that not only had this been agreed, but it was also agreed that her salary be increased to £2,500 per annum.  Mrs King thanked all the councillors for this increment.

13.   Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations:  A meeting is being held on 7th May to hopefully finalise all plans for the jubilee celebrations.  Once the plans are finalised a flyer will be distributed around the village and Mrs. King will ensure that all councillors are advised of activities.  If sufficient money is raised during the celebrations it was agreed that the seat on the green outside the village hall could be replaced with a “jubilee” seat to commemorate the event.  Mrs King had looked into prices and it would be approximately £340.  

14.   Planning Applications:  No planning applications had been received which had not already been discussed over emails.

15.   Street lights in Pinfold Close:  Ms Johnson of Pinfold Close had asked LCC for the streetlights in Pinfold Close to be reinstated during the hours of midnight to 6 a.m.  LCC had responded saying that this request had to come from the Parish Council.  Ms Johnson had told LCC that she and her elderly vulnerable neighbours were anxious about the fact that the street lights were turned off, she said it caused more crime and was very worrying for rural dwellers living alone.  LCC advised that the cost of reinstating the street lights could be either £450 (best case scenario) or £900 (worst case) and this money would need to be paid by the Parish Council.  

Information regarding the request had been forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting in order that they had time to look at the issue.  A discussion took place at the meeting and councillors were aware that the changes to street lighting had happened in 2016 and no requests for reinstatement of lighting has been requested before.  County Councillor Hagues said that evidence shows that less crime is actually carried out in unlit areas.  It was also felt that if the street lights were reinstated other areas in the village could request the same and the Parish Council would not have sufficient money to pay for them.  The Council unanimously agreed that the reinstatement of the street lighting would not take place.  A letter or email to be sent to Ms Johnson advising her of this decision. 

16.   Bus Stop:  Although it is hoped to renovate the bus stop, the meeting agreed that a large amount of work is required.  The bus stop is also listed so permission would have to be sought.  It was agreed that initially grants would be looked into for work to be carried out.  Mrs King to look into grants.

17.   CommunitySpeed Watch:  Cllr Jackson said that no more volunteers have come forward, one person who had shown an interest had been unwell and it had not been taken any further.  It is still hoped to get an interest in the CSW again.

18.   Digital Hub:  Cllr Jackson reported that he is not always able to attend the digital hub on a Tuesday but that there are plenty of volunteers.  Unfortunately not a great deal of take up at the moment.

19.   Aswarby Estate:  No report from the Estate.  However the sale of the land on The Drove has fallen through and it is now back on the market.  The land is extremely overgrown and the hedgerow at the front is encroaching onto The Drove.  The brambles are also pushing into the fences in Pinfold Close.   Mrs King to contact the owners, with photographs, and ask them to cut back the overgrown bushes.

Planning permission has been granted for the change of use at the outbuildings at the Whichcote Arms.  

No more news on allotments, however with the sale of the land falling through it is unlikely that any land will be available.

Cllrs Jackson and North had had a meeting with Randall Builders, regarding the work required/replacement of the cemetery wall.  The cost is likely to be in excess of £47,000 so that would not be possible at the moment.  However the cost of repairing the church path is £1,760 and it was agreed that this would go ahead.  Cllr Jackson to inform the builders that the work can take place.  Cllr Jackson to discuss with Randall builders the cost of the repairs/replacement of the wall.  It was also discussed whether a cheaper version could be built.

20.   Donations:  No donations have been requested.

21.   Correspondence:  A letter of thanks from CAB for our donation had been received.

22.   Payments:  Payments made at tonight’s meeting were:

Cheque No. 910:   ICCM Subs                                       £95.00
Cheque No. 911:   Debbie Scott, audit                           £35.00
Cheque No. 912:   Alan Drury                                       £285.00
Cheque No. 913:   LALC (website maintenance)         £180.00

23.   Dates of next meetings: 6th July, 7th September and 2nd November

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20.

Following the meeting Cllr Baker asked whether he could ask if councillors were happy with the grass cutting in the village.  The grass had been cut today, hence the reason it was not on the agenda.  Both Cllrs Baker and Wright were unhappy with the cut.  It was agreed that we would contact the company and ask whether we could arrange a for walk around the village, letting them know exactly what grass they are responsible for.  It was acknowledged that where there were parked cars, the operatives did not like to use the heavy mowers in case stones were thrown up and damaged the cars.  Mrs King to contact the company and ask for a walk around.