January 2024 Minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 10th January 2024 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: Mrs P attended the meeting to discuss the removal/theft of a large number of books from the village book box. On 20th December Mrs P checked and tidied the box noting that there were a good selection of both fiction and non fiction books available. However on the morning of 21st December she saw that approximately 90% of the books had been removed. The few books that remained were in a poor condition due to damp. The resident of the property behind the book box was approached to see if he had any CCTV evidence. After trawling through many hours, a car was seen to park by the box, the man inside (who appeared to be in 30s/40s) took a large number of carrier bags from the boot of the car and then proceeded to fill them with the books. Unfortunately the CCTV is not good enough to recognise him or the car number plate. When he had finished filling his carrier bags he then took the plastic box from the floor which holds the children’s’ books and took that too. A dog walker did pass by but could not be identified either. Mrs P asked whether CCTV notices warning that the box was protected by CCTV could be put in the phone box and this was agreed. Mrs P was thanked for her time and effort she puts into keeping the book box tidy and clean.
Mrs Gannon of The Drove also attended the meeting. Following the flooding in The Drove Anglian Water have been clearing out the drains. However in order that they can clear the main one they would need to shut the road for approximately 30 minutes and Mrs Gannon asked who could be contacted to ask for approval for this. Cllrs Jackson and County Councillor Hagues said that LCC would need to be approached and Cllr Jackson asked Mrs Gannon to contact him next time the operatives were in The Drove in order that he could attend.
No declarations of interest
78. Apologies: Cllrs Baldwin and North
79. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Baker, Bide, Dixon, Wright and County Cllr Hagues. Mrs King(Clerk)
80. Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st November which had already been circulated were agreed. Proposed Cllr Bide, Seconded Cllr Dixon.
81. Chairman/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson had circulated his report to all councillors earlier. Greater Lincolnshire Devolution was discussed and would appear to be going ahead. The effect of the recent floods were also discussed and Cllr Jackson said that a local plan would be prepared shortly. He also reported that the first units are now complete at Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park.
82. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King reported that NKDC Tree Officer has given approval for the tree works in the cemetery and churchyard to take place. Now awaiting start date. Notification has been received of a road closure of The Drove between New Street and Mareham Lane for National Grid Electricity Distribution, cable installation for network reinforcement. The period will be at various times between 5.2.24 to 8.3.24. Signage will be displayed detailing accurate dates and times in advance of closure.
New Pads and battery are required for the defibrillator, these will cost approximately £150. Mrs King to order and replace
New electoral role forms were distributed. Mrs King reiterated the need to keep the forms safe and secure and to also destroy all old forms.
83. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues also felt that the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution would be going ahead. With regard to the recent flooding, Cllr Hagues said any problems should be reported on Fix My Street and these would then be prioritised. During the recent high levels of flooding the emergency services cannot be relied upon completely so it is felt that local communities need to have plans in place, get sandbags etc.
84. Budget setting/Precept: The proposed budget for 2024/25 had already been circulated. Mrs King advised that the amount of £2,000 for an election had to be included in case a by-election was called. The budget was approved and it was agreed unanimously that a precept of £5,500 would be requested this year. This is £200 more than last year. Proposed Cllr Dixon and seconded Cllr Bide. Cllr Bide also asked whether a representative from LIVES could attend a meeting to update first aid and the use of the defibrillator.
85 Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones had sent an email giving an update as follows:
1) The Drove – developers will be on site shortly and will build out the existing consent. This will release S106 monies to the School as well as facilitating play area / equipment provisions for the village. In relation to the former, I spoke with Mrs Bide at Osbournby Primary School prior to Christmas. Money will be paid by the developer on the sale of the 7th property – this is likely to be mid - 2025. The exact amount has not been confirmed but is likely to be in the region of £60,000. As a result, I have asked the School to consider capital projects that will benefit the school.
2) Solar – Mareham Lane – further to the local exhibition at Scredington, an application was submitted in December for a solar scheme located on land east and west of Mareham Lane. The Estate has spoken with neighbouring property owners as part this process. Consultations are ongoing and I would be very happy to discuss the scheme with Councillors if required, although most of the consultation work is being handled by the developers planning team.
However, as part of the Estates discussions with the developer, we are looking to explore the developers willingness to contribute to community infrastructure projects should the scheme move forward. I know we briefly discussed this before Christmas and although I cannot confirm anything at the moment, the developer has expressed a willingness to engage with Osbournby Primary School to improve the Village Hall room, with new lighting, ceilings, decoration, flooring etc. Discussions are at an early stage. A similar scheme is being proposed at Scredington. Mrs Bide showed me the main hall before Christmas and it would be brilliant to have this part of the building improved. I will let you know more as soon as I have details.
3) Ditch to the south of the Drove - water quality is still being monitored although we expect the majority of kerosene has now been collected, absorbed or dissipated. There is still floating pillows in the water course to collect any remaining oils.
4) Whichcote Arms – hopefully going well. No further reports.
5) Planning – the Estate has recently submitted a pre-application advice form to the Council for the redevelopment of Fern House Farm Buildings and grounds along the lines as previously discussed. I will update you for the next meeting.
6) Football Field – we have been approached by Sleaford Archery club who wish to rent the field as their new club home. This is an exciting opportunity as the club is heavily involved with GB Archery, having coaches for all ages and quality archers.
7) Play area / allotments – at previous meetings, I have indicated that before a decision could be made, the Estate would need to consider several factors. The Drove development was one. Now that this seems to be moving forward, please can you advise who would be the best Councillor for me to contact to arrange a meeting. We can then discuss options for each. Please let me have the appropriate contact details.
86. Traffic calming in village Square: Cllr Hagues said he will ask Highways at LCC again but they have been very busy with the flooding issues.
87. Community Speed Watch: A new co-ordinator and volunteers are in place and have been trained. Once weather improves they will be out. It was noted that the speed van has been in village very regularly.
88. Grass verge outside village hall/school: Various complaints had been received about this the grass is now completely gone and the verge is mud and has deep holes. Mrs King reported that in 2018 the Parish Council had looked at what could be done to stop this happening. LCC had twice grassed it and signs were put up asking people not to park on the verge, but as soon as signs down it happened again. LCC had been asked about tarmacing over the verge but the price was very high. It was agreed that when an officer from LCC Highways visits to look at traffic calming in the Square the verge can also be discussed then. Cllrs Hague and Jackson to liaise on this.
89. Book Box – discussed at start of meeting.
90/91: Sand Bags and Flooding: Cllr Jackson had circulated a report on creating a Community Resilience and Emergency Plan. Cllrs acknowledged that they had looked at this and a general discussion took place. Cllr Jackson said that in the recent floods water nearly entered the Barn on West Street and it was only through bailing out and sandbags that a flood was avoided . During the work to stop the flooding vehicles were still driving down West Street and so flood signs and no entry signs are required. Cllr Bide suggested that Mr Sharpe may be able to store the relevant materials in his yard and agreed to discuss it with him. Cllrs Jackson, Bide and Dixon to work on the Emergency Plan.
92. Planning Matters: Application for pergola in garden of 32 High Street has been approved.
93. Correspondence: No correspondence has been received which has not been discussed.
94. Donations: The donations to LIVES and CAB will be looked at in the new financial year.
95. Payments since last meeting are: Salary for Mrs King: £625, Village Hall Rental: £18 and church path lighting: £11.29
96. Dates of meeting for the coming year:
Wednesday 6th March
Wednesday 8th May
Wednesday 3rd July
Wednesday 18th September
Wednesday 6th November
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.45.