May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 in the Village Hall

Public Forum:  Three members of the public were present.

No declarations of interest

1.   Appointment of Chairperson:  Cllr Jackson was proposed to remain as Chairperson by Cllr Baldwin and seconded by Cllr Dixon.  It was a unanimous decision.

2.   Acceptance of Standing Orders and Chairpersonship:  The relevant papers were signed.

3.   Appointment of Vice Chairperson:  Although Cllr Bide was unable to be present at the meeting he had intimated that he would be prepared to stand as vice chairperson.  Proposed Cllr Baldwin and seconded Cllr Jackson.

4.   Apologies:  District Councillor Andrew Hagues and Cllr Bide

5.   In attendance:  Cllrs Jackson, North, Baldwin, Baker, Dixon and Wright.  Clerk Mrs King.

6.   Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th March, which had already been circulated were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Wright, seconded Cllr Dixon.

7.   Signing off the 2023/24 accounts.  Mrs King informed the meeting that the 2023/24 accounts have been duly audited and found to be in order.  Mrs King informed the meeting that the income for the year had been £6,733 with a total spend of £9,516.  It was proposed by Cllr Jackson and Cllr North that the accounts be signed off.  Mrs King gave an up to date bank reconciliation and reported the following:   As at today the Parish Council Account stands at £7,127.71.  £80 has been received for an interment.  The precept of £5,500 was paid along with the VAT refund of £383.57  The Cemetery Account stands at £34,062.58.  

8.   Members Disclosable Pecuniary Forms and election expense forms:   Cllr Jackson had an amendment to make to his form.

9.   Chairmans report/District Council Report:   Cllr Jackson’s report is attached to these notes.

10.   County Council report:  As District Councillor Hagues was unable to attend the meeting there was no County Council report.

11.   Clerk’s Report:  Mrs King advised that the portrait of The King has arrived and been hung in the main hall by Cllr Bide.  Interment of the late David Burland took place in April in the cemetery.  LCC will pay £857.01 towards the cost of grass cutting this year.  This means that the actual cost of the grass cutting is £942.99.

12.   Update from Aswarby Estate:  Mr Mark Jones was unable to attend the meeting.  However he had sent the following email 

1)      Drainage ditch – there have been a number of water samples taken in recent weeks – these have come back clear so the dam we installed will be removed.
2)      The Drove Development – the developer will be installing a culvert into the above mentioned ditch so that gardens in the new development can be better graded.
3)      Again ditch to the south of Pinfold Close – having inspected Title Deeds in the office, they suggest the ownership of the ditch lies with the individual properties backing onto it. We incorrectly assumed the Estate owned this.  
4)      Play Area – I will be discussing this with the Drove developer in due course.  This may need to be an agenda point for the PC, possibly at the next meeting. The current proposal is to locate a play area on land to the east of the site between the development and the row of cottages. That said, where would the PC prefer the play equipment to go?
5)      Funding for the Village Hall – the solar site is currently in the planning process. I will let you know when I hear more.

6)      Fern House Farm – I expect we will have a better idea in time for the meeting in June. I could come along then to present our final proposals.

With regard to the ditch to the rear of Pinfold Close, information from 2004 had been obtained which stated that the ditch belonged to the Estate.  These papers had been forwarded to Mr Jones who replied stating that the land registry shows legal ownership of the ditch belongs to each individual property backing onto it in Pinfold Close.  However in relation to future maintenance of the ditch, the Estate remains prepared to help as access is relatively easy.  They will look at each individual request for maintenance separately. 

13.   Reinstatement of the verge on The Drove following work by Great Western.  Mrs King to find address and write to them.  

14.   Signage for businesses in The Courtyard:  It has been requested that signage is put up for the shops, coffee shop etc.  This needs to be discussed with Cllr Hague who was not available at the meeting.

15.   Planning Matters:  No planning applications had been received.

16.   Community Resilience and emergency Plan Update:   Osbournby Primary School has been added.  The plan is now ready to go back to LCC for them to approve and let us know it is in order.

17.   Community Speed Watch:  A watch took place today.  Still looking for more volunteers.   On average a total of 10 speeders are caught per hour.

18.   Village Tidy Day Feedback:  This went very well, approximately 15 people attended.  Thanks to all helpers plus Mr North and Mr Richardson for transporting the waste.  Mrs King had received a donation of £10 towards the cost of the refreshments.  Agreed that a date of 2nd November would be put in for the autumn tidy up.

19.   Donations:  No new donations had been requested, however LIVES ask for a donation of £50 for their presentation which Mrs King will send tomorrow.

20.   Correspondence:  No correspondence had been received which had not been discussed.

21.   Policies & Procedures:

The Code of Conducted was re-adopted.

The two new policies Health & Safety and Complaints Procedure were adopted.

22.   Correspondence:  No correspondence received which has not been dealt with.

23.   Payments made by BACS and income since the last meeting:

1.4.24:  Precept paid                  £5,500
4.4.24: Tidy Gardens & Grounds      £535.00
8.4.24:  Debbie Scott (Audit)         £35.00
17.4.24:Interment (David Burland)            £80.00
19.4.24:  Wifi               £38.63
19.4.24:  Osbournby Village Hall      £18.00
19.4.24:  ICCM               £100.00
19.4.24: VAT refund                  £383.57
5.5.24:  Tidy Gardens & Grounds      £550.00

A payment of £499.55 will be made for insurance during May

24.   Dates of next meetings:  5th July, 6th September and 1st November.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.

District Councillors Report Osbournby - May 2024

Lincs Reservoir
Anglian Water has released an artist’s impression of the proposed new reservoir showing an example of what the reservoir close to Scredington, Helpringham and Swaton could look like in the future -

Second consultation 30 May – 25 July
Over the eight-week consultation period, the project will be welcoming feedback on the emerging design for the reservoir and the associated water infrastructure required to fill the reservoir, treat the water, and transport it to homes and businesses.

It will focus on the following areas:    

The emerging design for the reservoir (known as the masterplan), shows ideas for where recreation, wildlife, nature and other features could be, together with the shape of the reservoir and its embankments.    

The locations and land areas Anglian Water has identified for the associated water infrastructure needed to transport water from source to the reservoir, for treating the water, and for supplying it to homes and businesses.    
AW will also be providing information on our preliminary proposals for wider areas of land in the vicinity of the reservoir, which we could need for environmental mitigation and construction.       

Residential property support scheme
The residential property support scheme is still being finalised and should be launched to coincide with the second phase of consultation.

Sleaford Market Place progress
An initial timeframe is now being set for the works to Sleaford’s Market Place.

North Kesteven District Council has communicated to key stakeholders the new expected timings for the approved scheme, which will see Market Place revitalised using around £1 million in UK Shared Prosperity Fund money to create a welcoming space for people in the centre of Sleaford. 

It's planned that its use as a public car park will cease in mid-July, with the exact date currently expected to be Friday, July 19 but may be subject to change. Onsite preparations and assessments will then take place, before groundworks which are set to begin at the end of July and will continue through into December. The work is expected to be completed in mid-December.

Council and Lafford Homes tenant's repairs
How to report a repair: To help streamline things for NKDC tenants and make it easier for them to report a repair, the advice on doing so has changed slightly. If it’s a new repair, tenants should call the Ian Williams Ltd phone line on 01529 712554

Those who have had a contractor visit to undertake a repair but are awaiting further contact from that assigned contractor, or any tenants who would like more information on a repair that’s been assigned to a contractor, should still call us on 01529 414155 and speak with our Repairs Team

Heckington Parish Council
A parish council by-election was also held on May 2, 2024 for Heckington Parish Council; won by Jacki Wright polling 419 votes over Andrew Davison’s 398.

Climate Change Member Champion introductory email and survey to parish/town councils 
An email was sent to every parish and town council in the District on 4 May introducing Councillor Head's new role as Climate Change Member Champion.  Please complete if possible to allow NKDC to make use of the important information requested.

A17 overnight closures
A section of the A17 will be closed overnight between Holdingham Roundabout and the A52 Bicker Bar Roundabout for a period of three weeks until Sunday 19 May 2024. The closure will take place five days a week between Sunday and Thursday from 20:00 to 06:00. The road will be open throughout Friday and Saturday evenings.  Diversions will be in place during these hours.

NK Plan 2024-27
The NK Plan 2024-27 has recently been approved, outlining the Council's vision for flourishing communities across North Kesteven over the next three years. 
The focus for Our Economy is to support sustainable and regenerative local economic growth and resilience, transitioning to a Green Economy working within environmental thresholds. 
Key ambitions include supporting business growth, attracting investments and celebrating all that the District has to offer. View the NK Plan 2024-27 to read more about the Council's plans for the next three years.