March 2024 Minutes
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 6th March 2024 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: 3 members of the public attended the meeting, Mrs Jennifer Gannon, Mr Derek North and Mrs Margaret Garner. Mrs Gannon asked who she should contact regarding the bridge over the beck in the village. Cllr Jackson advised her to put it onto Fix My Street and if she required help he would be at the Hub the following Tuesday.
Cllr North asked if she could remove old Christmas wreaths, tributes from the cemetery, this was agreed.
No declarations of interest
97. Apologies: No apologies
98. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Baker, Bide, Dixon, North, Baldwin and Wright and County Cllr Hagues. Mrs King(Clerk)
99. Minutes of previous meeting held on 10th January which had already been circulated were agreed. Proposed Cllr Bide, Seconded Cllr Dixon.
100. Chairman/District Council Report: Cllr Jackson had circulated his report to all councillors earlier. He also reported that he, along with Cllrs Bide and Dixon and Mrs King had attended a meeting in February regarding the Community Emergency Plan. A further meeting will be held, following this meeting, to start the planning for the Emergency Plan and Cllr Jackson said all councillors were welcome to attend the meeting. He also reported that following the last serious rainfall, he had obtained flood signs and road closed signs which he is currently storing. Sandbags will also be stored in the village. Cllr Jackson also reported that changes to the Market Place in Sleaford had been approved. There will also be a fresh consultation in the spring regarding the new reservoir.
The Community Speed Watch will start again after Easter.
101. Clerk’s Report: Mrs King reported the following bank balances:
Parish Council Account: £895.56. Cemetery Account: £36,195.06. To date the VAT claim will be £383.29 and payment from Cemetery to Parish Council Account £1,826.25. Interest on cemetery account is £342.63. Following January’s meeting a Precept of £5,500 had been requested.
Mrs King also reported that the tree works in the cemetery and churchyard had now been undertaken and new pads and battery had been fitted in the defibrillator.
The factory on The Drove has been sold to an investor who will be re-letting it. Mrs King has been in contact with the agents asking them to remove the for sale sign, before grass cutting begins and to ask the new owners to clear some of the overgrown brambles which are growing over the wall.
Grass cutting will recommence as soon as the weather improves and a one-off clearance will be undertaken, as last year, in both the cemetery and churchyard.
The proposed new properties on The Drove will be named Camms Lane with those properties at the front being on The Drove.
There are some hours left over on our website agreement with Pete Langford so if anybody has any ideas for items for inclusion on the website please let Mrs King know. A new contract will be put in place in April.
Cllr Jackson and Mrs King reported all the blocked drains and any other issues in the village to Fix My Street, half of the work has now been completed with the rest to be completed as soon as possible.
The date for the road closure on The Drove has now been extended until 14th March.
102. County Council Report: Cllr Hagues advised that the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution would be going ahead, so there will be a new Mayor. Following the recent heavy rainfalls 680 homes were flooded internally, investigations are taking place and hope to be completed by August 2024. An additional £4m has been allocated to this work. Work on repairing potholes in ongoing. £262m has been allocated for transport, but this will include North and North East Lincolnshire, this is the HS2 monies.
103. Update from Aswarby Estate: Mark Jones was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following information:
Fern House Farm Buildings: the Estate has received comments back from the planners and in the coming weeks will be in contact with the residents backing onto/overlooking the site. The Estate is looking for a new use to preserve the buildings, this involves the renovation of the main buildings, pus 2 x new plots. In relation to the farm house, some work has been done inside, with a new tenant to go in.
The Mareham Lane Solar Farm Mr Jones advised that if the scheme moves forward the developer would look to carry out a community project for the village.
The football field is to be let to Sleaford Archery Club when the land dries up.
The ditch to the north of the football field – the water is still being monitored and Mr Jones will let us know if any other remedial works are proposed.
104. Feedback from Meeting with LCC on 23rd April: Road safety in the Square was discussed at the meeting and further contact will be made with Cllr Jackson to see if there are any ways forward. With regard to the church path behind the bus stop it was suggested that the path was levelled and Mr North kindly volunteered to look into this.
It had also been agreed that the grass verge outside the school/village hall would be regrassed (grass seed not turf) and flexible verge markers put in place.
105. Electric Charger Locations: An email had been received from LCC regarding the possible placement of any electric charger points in the village. Although the village square was discussed it was not felt that this was a good site although Cllr Jackson will discuss this when he meets with the LCC representative regarding road safety in The Square. It was also requested that thoughts on sustainable travel would be welcome, including additional buses and new bus stop. Mrs King to reply to the email.
106. Community Resilience and Emergency Plan: Already discussed. Meeting to be held following this meeting to start the process.
107. Newsletter: Mrs King said that there had not been a newsletter for a long time and had started to put one together. She asked for ideas for the newsletter which she hoped to have ready for April. She outlined ideas she already had and asked if anybody had any other contributions to let her know. (Following the Emergency Planning Meeting it was requested that some information be put in the newsletter regarding this and that a request be made for anybody who thought that they might be vulnerable to let the Parish Council know).
108. Village Tidy Day: It was agreed that a village tidy day should be held and a provisional date of 20th April was agreed. Mrs King to contact various residents and Environmental Health at NKDC to ensure that this date suits them.
109. Planning Applications: No planning applications had been removed. The tree application for 11 West Street was approved by the Parish Council.
110. Correspondence: No correspondence had been received which has not already been discussed.
111. Donations: No new requests for donations.
112. Payments made since last meeting:
25.1.24: LIVES: Defib battery and pads £214.74
7.2.24: LALC: Subs £164.16
7.2.24: P&P French £1,020.00
Mrs King’s cheque for the quarter from January to March of £625 was also signed.
96. Dates of meeting for the coming year:
Wednesday 8th May, this will also be the Annual Parish Meeting and Mrs King to ask LIVES for a representative to attend for a demonstration on use of the defibrillator.
Wednesday 3rd July
Wednesday 18th September
Wednesday 6th November
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.40.