July 2024 Minutes
Held on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 in the Village Hall
Public Forum: 2 members of the public were present.
23. Apologies: Cllr Dixon
24. In attendance: Cllrs Jackson, North, Baldwin, Wright, Baker and Bide. Mrs King (Clerk) and District Councillor Hagues.
25. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2024, already distributed were agreed. Proposed Cllr Wright, Seconded Cllr Baldwin.
26. District Council report – please see attached.
Chairman’s Report: Cllr Jackson reported that following a meeting with LCC Highways it was agreed that there was nothing that could be done to improve road safety in the village square. An email had been circulated to all councillors from LCC regarding this. The damaged bridge at the Mickling has been investigated and currently there is dispute as to who is responsible for any repairs. Cllr Jackson has responded to this requesting work be carried out. Cllr Jackson is also in discussion with Richard Wright, leader of NKDC, regarding moving the speed camera at the south end of the village. Cllr Jackson will also discuss the possibility of a path to the childrens’ home.
27. County Council Report: Due to the upcoming election there was little to report, however Cllr Hagues reported that £6m had been allocated for road resurfacing.
28. Clerk’s Report: As at 1st July: Cemetery Account stands at £34,137.84. Parish Council Account is £4,781.20.
Mrs King reported some good news, at the last meeting it was reported that LCC would pay £857.01 towards the cost of grass cutting. Have now received information that following a review they will now pay £1,420.19 which is an increase of £563.18. We will now be paying £379.81 towards the cost of village grass cutting rather than the £942.99 we were anticipating. This is normally invoiced for in September/October.
29. Update from Aswarby Estate. Mr Mark Jones was unable to attend, however he had sent the following report:
The Drove Development – building is ongoing. I will keep in touch with the developer over payments to the school.
Fernhouse Farm – we are preparing revised plans – I will circulate these to the PC – possibly to be discussed at the next meeting.
Commercial building on the Drove – I believe these are now being let out again, as a whole or individually.
Solar – I have been in contact with the developers – I am hoping they will be in touch shortly – I have asked them to contact you in relation to the Parish Hall to see what they may be able to help with. They have agreed to carry out some improvement works at Scredington Village Hall too.
Play area – I mentioned this in my April update – was this discussed? I am conscious that we will need to find a location in due course (funded by the Drove Residential Development) – unless the PC feel it isn’t needed?
With regard to the play area the Councilors felt that it was required and felt that the best available space was the land between the development and the cottages. However it was felt that a discussion was needed to ascertain what equipment would be installed (the Parish Council would like some say in this) and also who would become responsible for its upkeep once installed. Mrs King to discuss with Mr Jones.
30. Update reinstatement of the verge on The Drove: Cllrs Jackson and North had met with a representative of Western Power regarding the grass verges on The Drove. They will be undertaking some repairs to the verges on The Drove, however it was felt that it would be pointless reseeding the verge outside the last 2 cottages on The Drove as it is used for parking so would become unkempt again very quickly. Cllr Jackson discussing with LCC the possibility of tarmacing this particular area.
31. Signage for business in The Courtyard. This needs to be agreed with LCC as owners of the land, however it is up to Adam, the landlord, to deal with this and he is currently away.
32. Community Resilience and Emergency Plan Update: This is now ready to be submitted to LCC. Cllrs Jackson and Bide to instigate this.
33. Community Speed Watch: New volunteers have started and currently it is running twice per week. Cllr Dixon has volunteered but a risk assessment needs to be carried out before he can start. Cllr Jackson had prepared information showing details over 10 sessions.
34. Trees on London Road obstructing view from Saddlers Close: This has been discussed at previous meetings, Mrs King to investigate. Following the meeting Mrs King found the following: This matter was discussed in July 2019 when NKDC advised us that the trees were not their responsibility. It was believed that when the three houses in the layby behind the tree were built, the builder planted the tree and it became the responsibility of the owners of the three properties. A letter was written to the 3 owners regarding this. At the meeting in September 2021 it was reported that the residents had cut the branches back.
Action: Mrs King to write to the three properties asking them to cut the tree back.
35. Grass outside Village Hall: Cllr Wright asked what is going to happen to the verge outside the village hall. When LCC Highways had visited they had informed the Parish Council that tarmacing over the grass was not possible and had suggested the possibility of re-seeding and installing parking deterrents. Cllr Jackson to contact Rowan Smith of LCC regarding this.
Action taken: 501181: Cllr Jackson has chased Rowan Smith regarding this.
36. Village Plan: Cllr North had asked whether we had a village plan. A neighbourhood development plan, known as a neighbourhood plan, is written by local people, 'made' or adopted by the district council and becomes part of the development plan, which helps to decide planning applications. It takes national planning policy and guidance into account and is 'in general conformity' with the district's planning policy
The Government created neighbourhood planning to empower local communities to help local people to direct and shape the way their local communities grow and develop into the future.
A discussion followed as to whether a village plan would be needed in Osbournby as Aswarby estate own most of the land. However it was felt that further investigation would be wise and Cllr Hagues said that Leasingham have a village plan and he would ask one of the members who worked on it if they could attend our next Parish Council meeting to advise how it is done. Cllr Hagues did say that it is a lengthy process. Cllr Jackson to liaise with Mark Willets of Planning at NKDC regarding this. Action taken: Cllr Jackson has emailed NKDC for further information.
37. Sleaford Maltsters Archery Club: The club is now running and an email had been received regarding an event that is being held on 8th September commencing at 9.45. This event will include a few clubs from the East Midlands, mostly Lincolnshire. The aim is to officially open the new location. They requested that members of the Parish Council attend and for Cllr Jackson to say a few words. Following the meeting Cllr Hagues agreed to attend the above meeting and say a few words, Cllrs Jackson and Baldwin will also attend with any other councillors who may wish to attend.
38. Planning Applications: The only planning application this period is for 9 Pinfold Close for removal of the conservatory and a ground floor extension. The Parish Council had had no objections.
39. Donations: No donations had been requested.
40. Correspondence: No correspondence had been received which had not been dealt with.
41. The following payments had been made by BACS since the last meeting:
Osbournby Village Hall - £18.00
Gallagher Insurance of £499.55
2 Payments to Tidy Gardens of £550 each totalling £1,100. Made up as follows: Churchyard - £200, Cemetery - £300, Village - £600
Mrs E. King of £647.74, salary & HMRC - £625, Expenses £22.74 which included £9.80 for refreshments on village tidy day.
We have received interest of £75.03 for the two months on the Cemetery Account.
42. Dates of next meetings: 18th September 2024 (Cllr Bide gave her apologies as she will be on holiday) and 6th November.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.43
District Councillors Report - July 2024
Voter ID at polling stations
It’s the first general election where voter photo identification will be a legal requirement to vote at a polling station.
A list of accepted ID’s can be found here,
Voter ID at elections | North Kesteven District Council (n-kesteven.gov.uk)
Voters can use one of the accepted types of voter photo ID even if it is out of date as long as the photo bears a good likeness to them.
Preparations underway ready for Market Place closure
Final arrangements are being made ahead of works to make Sleaford Market Place a useful space to hold markets, events and public activities more freely.
Ahead of the scheme, details on the work schedule are being shared with stakeholders and nearby businesses.
Advance signage will also be installed to forewarn of the closure of the Market Place as a car park from July 19, followed by further signs to say that the businesses around the Market Place are open as usual, to give information on alternative car parks and direct people to the temporary location of the market and Farmer’s Market at Eastgate Car Park.
Some final onsite checks will then take place before the groundworks begin at the end of July, running through to an expected completion in mid-December.
For full details and FAQs please see the website.
Two most senior officers to leave NKDC
North Kesteven District Council’s two most senior officers – Chief Executive Ian Fytche and Deputy Chief Executive Phil Roberts – will leave the Council later this year.
The announcement comes when they both feel that the Council is in a confident position to move forward positively with clear values, purpose, intent and vision, with a strong leadership team in place, a sound financial footing and a clear direction of travel.
Ian will have completed 19 years with the Council when he leaves at the end of December, and Phil 20 years when he leaves in mid-September. They have reached their decisions independently of each other, concluding that the time is right to explore new directions and personal priorities. Council Leader Cllr Richard Wright has thanked them both for their decades of dedicated service.
Read more about this important news in yesterday's email or the news story on the website: HERE.
Handley Monument works
The first phase of works has started to better showcase Sleaford’s Handley Monument.
From Monday 10th June, up-lighting for the monument will be installed by contractor Lindum Group.
Areas around the monument will be fenced off during these works, as the team will be lifting the paving to run cables underneath and installing a power box that’s required nearby. The works are expected to be completed within the week. People will still be able to walk through the area during these works, but there will be limited access at times for vehicles to the private car park behind (at the back of the Ivy pub).
Artwork - Have you noticed this new artwork that's popped up in Sleaford?
It's a collaborative piece with artist William Lindley, installed at the old Post Office building on Southgate, and celebrates Sleaford Castle and the Bass Maltings. It's one of three such collaborative art projects this summer that aim to celebrate and reconnect with Sleaford's heritage and history.
The finale day last Saturday for RiverLight Festival 2024 did not disappoint!
The packed day of live performance and street theatre, culture and art exhibitions, music, food, a business trail with support from Business NK, shopping and more was topped with a grand parade which partied its way through the town centre from the Boston Road rec. The parade was led by a giant swan and followed by schools with their pupils in wonderful costume, stilt performers and more. Thanks to all who came along to support it on Saturday, and to everyone involved in delivering the whole week of festivities.
You can watch a highlights video of the finale day HERE.
RiverLight Festival is funded by North Kesteven District Council, through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. With a packed programme of activity generated by the Hub, together with renowned artists and performers, community groups locally, businesses, schools and many more participants and volunteers; it's a vibrant celebration of Sleaford and pride of place beyond.
Sleaford Castle Exhibition
The secrets of Sleaford Castle, unseen for nearly 450 years are on display in another of the town’s greatest historical legacies, Navigation House.
Following extensive research and archaeological investigation last summer by Sleaford Castle Heritage Group volunteers, the exhibition uses discoveries to look back into 900 years of history and present a sense of the impressive Norman castle and the impact it had on Sleaford and the surrounding area.
Built between 1123 and 1139, it stood proudly for 450 years and hosted King John and Henry VIII before being dismantled around the time of Elizabeth I.
With the exception of a restricted amateur excavation in the 1860s, no concerted attempt has been made to unearth its mysteries – until now.
But through the endeavours of the heritage group, formed in 2018 by Sleaford Town Council, site owners, and Sleaford & District Civic Trust, the castle is now being revealed to everyone.
Whilst a broader project seeks to increase access and interpretation of the site, North Kesteven District Council is making good use of UK Shared Prosperity Funds to build pride of place and community, by commissioning the Uncovering Sleaford Castle Exhibition – open at Navigation House, Friday to Monday 10am to 2pm, through to March 2025 – to present discoveries from the comprehensive geophysical and archaeological investigations.
These include floor tile fragments featuring cat and dog paw prints, Medieval pottery and a Bavarian coin-like token from late in its occupation.
Alongside this exhibition the funding has enabled the creation of a virtual reality model of the castle, interpretation boards to be installed on Castle Field, the development of an engagement programme and educational workshops, ensuring that the exhibition not only preserves the past but also educates and inspires future generation on the significance of what remains of the place where King John slept shortly before his death at Newark in October 1216.
Drove – Jane and I met with a technician from National Grid to discuss. Pavement across from the Cottages, call logged with LCC.
Square – LCC have replied, to discuss this at the Parish Council meeting.
Mickling Lane – emailed LCC to push for it to be fixed.
CSW – Risk Assessment completed, Figures available
Moving 30mph speed sign – I met with the leader of the Council Richard Wright to discuss options.
Neighbourhood Plan - https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/your-community/localism-your-community/neighbourhood-plans
The only village I can see of our size is Silk Willoughby, which started in 2014 and is currently on hold
What is a neighbourhood plan?
A neighbourhood development plan, known as a neighbourhood plan, is written by local people, 'made' or adopted by the district council and becomes part of the development plan, which helps to decide planning applications. It takes national planning policy and guidance into account and is 'in general conformity' with the district's planning policy.
The Government created neighbourhood planning to empower local communities to help local people to direct and shape the way their local communities grow and develop into the future.