September 2024 Minutes


Held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 in the Village Hall

Public Forum  - 2 members of the public were present. Mr Derek North and Ms Theresa Cansdale.

Susan Waring from Leasingham Parish Council was due to attend the meeting to give an overview of adopting a Neighbourhood Plan.  However due to illness she was unable to attend.  However County Councillor Andrew Hagues gave a short overview at the start of the meeting.  He advised that preparing a neighbourhood plan is a time consuming process and lots of hoops to jump through.  The Leasingham Neighbourhood Plan took over 4 years.   In order to progress this a sub group was formed, half were Parish Councillors and half interested residents.  Neighbourhood plans will continue under the new Government as they are a legal document.  Liaison with North Kesteven District Council has to be undertaken.  It is hoped that Susan Waring will be able to attend a later meeting if required.    Cllr Hague then left the meeting.

Theresa Cansdale was introduced to the meeting as the co-ordinator for the Community Speed Watch in Osbournby.  Currently one speed watch is taking place weekly and there is a need for more volunteers.  All volunteers are trained and Ms Cansdale is also the Area Administrator for CSW and a trainer.    

Ms Cansdale said that she was also concerned about the Planning Application for an extension to No. 10 New Street as it would affect her light and also may mean her solar panels are less effective.

The Parish Council meeting then commenced at 7.11 pm.

43.    Apologies:  Cllrs Baldwin and Wright

44.    In attendance:  Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Dixon, Baker, North, Bide and Mrs King (Clerk)

45.    Minutes of previous meeting, already circulated, were agreed.  Proposed Cllr Dixon, seconded Cllr North.  Mrs King advised that on Item 42 she had said that Cllr Bide would not be  attending the September meeting when in fact it should have been Cllr Baldwin.

46.    Chairman’s Report/District Council Report:  These are attached.  Cllr Jackson also advised that following the appearance of human faeces, underpants and toilet roll at the top of the Mickelin near the square, anti social behaviour signs had been put up by NKDC who also cleared the mess.  Cllr Jackson also reported the incident to the NKDC Neighbourhood Officer and the Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

47.  County Councillors Report.  The new government have decided to look again at the Lincoln southern bypass.  To date, LCC has paid out £20m on the scheme.
With regards to a new Mayoral run county.  Again, the new government has put a hold on this whilst looking at the figures again.  However, they have promised to make a decision by, or before the chancellors autumn statement, next month.

48.    Clerk’s report:  Mrs King advised that following the fire in the shed at 16 New Street she and Cllr North had been assisting the residents of No. 18 New Street to get the repairs, caused by the fire, carried out by NKDC.  This now all appears to be in hand.
The Village Tidy Day is to go ahead on Saturday 2nd November commencing at 9.30 from the village hall.  Bacon butties and tea/coffee to be provided following the clear up.  Mrs King to liaise with Nina Camm from NKDC regarding collection of the waste.  To be advertised in newsletter and Facebook.
Currently Pete Langford in liaison with LALC carries out all updates to our website, we currently have 3 minutes left and it was unanimously agreed that a further 3 hours can be purchased at a cost of £54.  

49.    Update from Aswarby Estate:  No report has been made available.

50.    Village Plan:  as previously discussed at the start of the meeting.  It is hoped that Susan Waring will be able to attend at some point in the future.

51.    Speed Signs for Rubbish Bins:  These are signs, i.e. 30 MPH, which are put onto bins so that when they are put out for collection it is a reminder to those travelling through the village.  The cost is 50p per sticker.  It was felt that if we were to purchase the stickers information could be provided in the newsletter with stickers being included with the newsletter.  (NB: However as all properties now have 3 bins even if we only do High Street, London Road and The Drove it could cost £65 should all properties in those areas agree to it).  Item to be brought back to next meeting.

52.    Community Speed Watch:  This item had already been discussed in the Public forum.  However Cllr Jackson had the following information about the number of speeders caught (please see District Councillor's update below)

All CSW in Lincolnshire will be carrying out one hour of speed watch between the hours of 8 am and 4pm on 1st October.

53.    Repairs to footpath leading to church:  Cllr Jackson advised that the repairs have been carried out to a very high standard by Mr Derek North and Mr Ian Richardson.  Their work was greatly appreciated and a thank you card and small gift had been given to them.

54.    Painting of the Bus Stop:  Mr David Smith had very kindly cleaned and repainted the bus stop to a very high standard.  It was agreed that Mrs King would send a thank you card and a gift to show the Parish Council’s appreciation.  

55.    Planning Applications:  Two planning applications had been received.  The new development on The Drove -  some changes to the parking and manoeuvring.  An application for a two storey extension had also been received from 10 New Street.  Cllr Jackson has spoken to the assigned Planning Officer who will be visiting the property in next two days and will report back to Cllr Jackson.  Cllr Jackson will then do the response from the Parish Council.  

56.    Donations:  No donations had been requested.

57.    Correspondence  None received which has not been discussed.

58.    Payments since last meeting:  The following payments had been made:

 2.8.24:    Tidy Gardens & Grounds                £550.00
19.8.24:  Osbournby Village Hall                    £18.00
19.8.24: Derek North (materials for repairs to church path)    £45.00
28.8.24: Tidy Gardens & Grounds                £275.00

59.    Payment tonight by cheque:  Mrs E King : £641.00 (salary, HMRC & reimbursements)
Following the payment made to Mrs King tonight the bank balances stand at:                              

 Parish Council - £3,167.02 and Cemetery Account: £34,235.95

60.    Dates of forthcoming Meetings:   All meetings start at 7 p.m. in the village hall

6th November 2024, 8th January 2025, 5th March 2025, 7th May 2025(Annual meeting), 2nd July 2025, 3rd September 2025

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.37 p.m.
Cllr North gave her apologies for the November 2024 meeting.


District Councillors Report – Osbournby Sept 2024

A cinema for Sleaford - update

With it being five years since the Council announced plans to bring a cinema to Sleaford, the media has this last week been asking what happens next.

Shortly after the scheme was announced and received unanimous support from Members in 2019, the Covid pandemic changed the operating realities of cinemas and the leisure industry generally and the potential operator was no longer able to partner the scheme going forward.

Since then it has remained an aspiration of the Council to deliver a cinema within its broader vision for revitalising the Heart of Sleaford – and still is – and we know how much public support there is for a cinema scheme. The statement issued to the media about ongoing discussions to make this a reality  A press release from NKDC can be found below,

Community Champions open for nominations *

Nominations are now open for you to champion and celebrate those people you think your community just couldn’t be without.

The NK Community Champion Awards look to say ‘thank you’ to those people who enrich our lives through their voluntary contributions, operating selflessly, tirelessly, charitably and consistently in carrying out tasks and functions which enrich our communities – from litter picking or running sports clubs to enabling art and creativity to flourish, supporting the health and wellbeing of others, actively promoting positive climate action, being a good neighbour or an inspirational young person, or just embodying community spirit in all that they do.

Across 10 categories, the Council and its sponsoring businesses want to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributes to our District of Flourishing Communities through their voluntary actions.

See for details and to make a nomination.

The deadline for nominations is noon September 23, working towards an awards celebration on November 27.

If a business would like to complete the sponsors’ line-up for this year, playing a vital role in ensuring the good work of our amazing volunteers is celebrated and championed, please contact


Restart a Heart Day at Sleaford Leisure Centre - Learn CPR *

On Restart a Heart Day, 16 October, Sleaford Leisure Centre will host a public CPR training session that is open to anyone to attend. 

Sessions will run 4:00-5:00pm and 5:00-6:00pm in the Leisure Centre Studio. More details on the poster.


Install complete of enhanced CCTV in Sleaford *

Sleaford town centre is now protected by expanded and improved CCTV coverage, following the completion of a project to upgrade it.

Seven existing CCTV units in the town centre have been upgraded using £58,000 of Safer Streets funding, achieved in a joint bid together by the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones and North Kesteven District Council. Each unit now has four CCTV cameras, and the footage provided is also of much higher quality after upgrading the technology that the cameras use.

A wider area in the town centre is now covered by CCTV thanks to four additional units installed using UK Shared Prosperity Fund monies. These extra CCTV camera units have been installed in key locations based on data assessments by the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner, North Kesteven District Council and with the support of partners including Sleaford Town Council which contributes towards ongoing CCTV monitoring.

It creates an upgraded network of 11 CCTV units in total, with each one made up of four cameras and all providing much better quality footage than before. It makes a total of 44 CCTV cameras available across the town centre for operators to use in the event of an incident or emergency and to help maintain community safety.

The cameras are monitored 24/7 on behalf of North Kesteven District Council by operatives based at Boston Borough Council, and are just one way that partners including NKDC work together to support safe communities in North Kesteven.

Find out more on our website.


New mosaic and works to Monument Gardens *

A new mosaic dedicated to the River Slea will flow through Sleaford’s Monument Gardens following a refresh of the space starting soon – and your help is needed now on another important aspect of the works. The Monument Gardens project is expected to start in early September and take around seven weeks to complete, with the works including:

  • The creation of a floor mosaic which will reflect the shape and colours of the River Slea. A local artist (Vikki Buss of PIX Glass Design, Navigation Yard) has been commissioned to create it, and it will be in keeping with the existing Les Gostick Memorial on the exterior wall of Sleaford Museum.
  • Separating two of the existing Monument Gardens flower beds into four new hexagonal flower beds, adding low maintenance planting while retaining the large lime tree and two silver birch trees that are already there and the one remaining flowerbed to the north. There’ll also be feature lighting to highlight this new planting scheme.
  • Repaving some of the area around the new planters and floor mosaic and giving the rest of the surrounding paving a good clean.
  • A flagpole installed within the gardens, so that flags may be flown.
  • Installation of new seating, which will also increase the number of benches at the gardens from two to four.
  • Wall lights to highlight the museum and help its signage stand out.
  • Repainting of the exterior walls of the museum and its shutter.
  • As a final flourish, a salvaged heritage Sleaford town sign will be installed as a new feature for Monument Gardens.

As the project gets underway, there’s a survey asking for people to choose which colours they think the Wyvern Barrier should be repainted as part of it. There are four choices in keeping with the gardens and the wider area – the barrier’s original turquoise with the head highlighted in silver; the heritage green used throughout Sleaford town centre with the head highlighted in gold; black with the head highlighted in gold; and black with the head highlighted in silver. Fill in the survey at by Sunday September 15 to select your preferred option, or go to Sleaford Museum and choose via the board on display there. 

The re-painting of the Wyvern Barrier will be done as a final touch to complement the completed public realm improvements at Monument Gardens.

For more information please see the full story on our website.

Also taking place at Southgate is a refresh of the space around Handley Monument. For more on UKSPF projects in Sleaford and across North Kesteven, visit

New narrowboat arrives on the Slea *

People will soon be able to experience the historic Slea Navigation for themselves on a new narrowboat which itself pays tribute to Sleaford's history.  For many years Sleaford Navigation Trust has held the aspiration to run a trip boat on the River Slea, and is delighted that this is now a reality with help from North Kesteven District Council using UKSPF monies.  The Trust has been able to commission the build of a specially-built 30-foot steel narrowboat shell by HD Narrowboats near Foston, and on Tuesday 13 August it was lifted into place on the River Slea by the team.  It will be named Benjamin Handley, in honour of this historic Sleaford figure and father of Henry Handley who himself is commemorated in the Handley Monument, and it’s hoped the first trips on it can take place in spring.   It will carry twelve passengers at a time between The Hub and Cogglesford Watermill, allowing people to experience the Slea Navigation and hear about how it brought prosperity to Sleaford after it originally opened in 1794. 

For now, the boat will remain moored securely near The Hub while the internal woodwork, lighting and seating are installed. In autumn there'll also be works to remove excess silt from the boat's route, which will also improve the condition of the river and keep the riverbed clear for fish to spawn. The boat will also run at very low speed and operate during set times, initially weekends during warmer weather. 

Anyone interested in volunteering for the fit-out or to help run the boat can find more at: You can also see it being lifted into the Slea HERE.

Read the full story on the website, where there's an FAQ should Members wish to find out more.


Community Speedwatch Figures

Date    Day    Vehicles over 35    Vehicles travelling through village    Time
05-Jul    Fri          15                           211                                                      19:00 – 20:00
19-Jul    Fri          11                           315                                                      18:00 – 19:00
23-Jul    Tues      10                           215                                                      18:58 – 19:58
06-Aug   Thu       15                           192                                                      19:02 – 20:02
14-Aug    Wed     13                           220                                                      19:00 – 20:00
02-Sep    Mon       9                           201                                                      19:00 – 20:00
14-Sep    Sat       12                           352                                                      18:00 – 19:00
Total                     70                       1495    
Total Sessions    7            




Opening of Sleaford Malsters