November 2024 Minutes


Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 6th November 2022 in the Village Hall

Cllr Mervyn Head, Climate Change & Member Champion from North Kesteven District Council attended the meeting to talk about what Parish Councils could do for the local community regarding climate change.  The main message of the talk was to encourage the Parish Council with community groups to build resilience and hopefully to save people money along with the environment. 
Cllr Head discussed various ways that the Parish Council could achieve these objectives – e.g. an oil syndicate, insulation, purchasing a thermal camera to show residents where heat loss from their home is.  It is also extremely important that when asking residents what is important to them that the right questions are asked.  Re-wilding was also discussed although it was acknowledged that the Parish Council do not own any land in Osbournby.  Cllr Head suggested that councillors could look at Sheffield City Council and their Climate and Bio-diversity Plan.

Cllr Head then went on to give a very informative presentation (copy of the presentation attached).  He also advised that if any more help was required he would be happy to help.  He also advised that grants are available to help with any changes that the Parish Council may wish to make. 
Cllr Jackson thanked Cllr Head for his talk and his offer of help.

Public Forum:  
3 members of the public were present.  The question was asked as to when the children’s play area next to the development on The Drove was likely to be made available.  Cllr Jackson said he would look into this.  Also the entrance into the field where the Archery Club is now held is very difficult to get into to walk on the public footpath once the barrier is up.  Cllr Jackson to look at this.   Ms Cansdale who is the co-ordinator for Community Speed Watch advised that she would like to do a get together for the volunteers.  She also advised that she had been in contact with Police Officer Fone to arrange a visit.  

The Parish Council meeting then commenced at 7.35 p.m.

61.    Apologies:  Cllr North and County Cllr Hagues

62.    In attendance: Cllrs Jackson (Chair), Bide, Dixon, Baldwin, Baker and Wright.  Mrs King (Clerk)

63.    Minutes of previous meeting were agreed:  Proposed Cllr Bide, Seconded Cllr Dixon.

64.    Presentation by Cllr Head had already been given.

65.    Chairman’s Report:  This is attached to these notes.  Cllr Jackson also advised that Quickline has the contract to install fibre broadband, their vans will have already been seen around the village.  Completion should be by Autumn 2025.

66.    County Councillors Report:  Cllr Hagues had advised that he had nothing to report from LCC.

67.      Clerk’s Report:  Newsletter was written and delivered in October.  Printing was done inhouse.  Only comment received back is that the Fishmonger no longer delivers in The Square but will deliver to homes.   Grass cutting will need to go out to tender in New Year.  Everybody confirmed that they are happy with Tidy Gardens and Grounds.  Mrs King to arrange the tender.         The Village Hall Committee has secured a grant of nearly £25,000 (10% of which must be met by the village hall committee).  This is for works in the main hall of new ceiling, decoration, extra sockets, removal of ropes and repair/removal of the vents and new windows in the toilets off the lobby.  Work needs to be completed by year end and will start on 18th November.    There is a possibility that Parish Council meetings may be able to held remotely.     
68.    Feedback from Village Tidy Day:  Approximately 20 people turned up so a good turn out.  Nice to see some new faces.  Cost of refreshments for the helpers was £11.26.

69.    Tree roots outside cottage on the London Road:  Cllr Wright had asked for this item to be included as the roots are causing an obstruction on the footpath.  Cllr Wright asked who would be responsible should anybody fall on these roots, and it was acknowledged that it is the responsibility of LCC.  When Rowan Smith  from LCC Highways had visited earlier this year these had been pointed out to him, and it is believed that he said that tree roots could not be disturbed.  However it was also agreed that Cllr Jackson would contact Rowan Smith  and discuss with him and also ask him if he would be available for an annual walk around.  Cllr Wright also said that the footpaths around the school are overgrown, however these had been cut back during the village tidy day on Saturday 2nd November by helpers.

70.    Update from Aswarby Estate:  Mark Jones had advised that there was nothing to report, but that he would be bringing proposed plans for Fern House, possibly to the next meeting.

71.    Signs for Rubbish bins:  It was agreed that a letter would be delivered to all properties on the London Road asking if residents would allow 30mph speed signs to be put on their bins to try and assist with speeding.  Mrs King to do the letter and ask that if residents objected they get in touch with her, otherwise the signs would be purchased and delivered to those who would be happy to put them on the bins.

72.    Community Speed Watch:  Ms Cansdale had already given an update.  She had also advised that as the dark evenings are here there would be fewer watches taking place.

73.    Planning Applications:   10 New Street has now been approved.

74.    Donations:  Both CAB and LIVES have asked for donations – this will be brought back to next meeting when the 2025/6 budget will be discussed.

75.    Correspondence:  No correspondence has been received which had not been discussed.

76.    Payments since last meeting:  
LALC for website admin - £64.80  
Osbournby VH    £18.00
Tidy Gardens - £275

Have received  £1,420.19 from LCC towards grass cutting.  To date have spent  £ 1,650 (11 cuts) .  Contract is for 12 cuts.  Steve is leaving it as late as possible in order to make March’s cut less onerous!

Bank balance as at Parish Council Account:  £4,437.23   
Cemetery Account:     £34,264.09   

77.    Dates of future Meetings:  5th March, 7th May (annual meeting), 2nd July and 3rd September.

    There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.04 p.m.